The Young Global Leader, the WEF organization to “infiltrate” governments

by time news

2023-05-19 18:00:00

INVESTIGATION – Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum (WEF), says it is “very proud”. According to him, they “infiltrate” governments around the world are choosing the leaders of tomorrow and your president or prime minister has probably been one of them.

Who can they be? It is the “Young Global Leaders” (YGL), a program of the WEF to select the future “masters of the world” who will “shaping politics, society and the world around them”, to use his words. Who are these people ? How are they selected? Who has already been part of it and who are the current figures?

Organisation de lobbying

The World Economic Forum, which defines itself as a non-profit association, is a lobbying organization that has brought together every year since 1974, on the occasion of a summit in Davos, Switzerland, business leaders and political leaders .

Its founder Klaus Schwab, German economist, brings people together who have “the power to bring about change” to evoke the “new world order” in replacement of “liberal order” current, “threatened 70 years later” its establishment.

It was in 2004 that Schwab launched the Young Global Leaders Forum, to replace the program in force since 1993, called “Global Leaders for Tomorrow”. The goal was “to help the world deal with increasingly complex problems” by creating a “proactive community of the world’s next generation leaders”able “to influence decision-making”.

This organization, directed by a Board of Directors, chaired among others by himself and his daughter Nicole, says to select “the voices of the future and the hopes of the next generations”.

Macron, Zuckerberg, Musk … des Young Global Leaders

Presented in 2008 by Bruce Nussbaum, journalist for Bloomberg BusinessWeekas “one of the most exclusive private social networks” worldwide, the YGL have so far counted in their ranks more than 1,400 members and alumni (Former student, editor’s note) from 120 nationalities.

Each new promotion is assigned a mission. The one who counted among her own Emmanuel Macron, then Minister of the Economy under François Hollande in 2016, was elected to shape the fourth industrial revolution”.

Among the former members of the YGL are personalities considered to be the most powerful in this world. President Emmanuel Macron, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, businessman Elon Musk and Jack Ma, CEO of Meta, Mark Zuckerberg and former New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern are “alumni” (former students, editor’s note) of this organization, according to its website or its founder. Other figures, neither political nor economic, such as actor Leonardo DiCaprio, pilot Michael Schumacher or actress Charlize Theron are also former members.

How were these personalities selected to be part of the Young Global Leaders? Based on what criteria? Who, at the World Economic Forum, carries out the selection of “future leaders” Who “will shape the world” ?

This non-profit organization, based like the WEF in Switzerland, explains the selection process “to identify and select leaders under the age of 40 each year who lead their countries, serve their communities and launch innovative initiatives to inspire new ways of driving social change”.

Former members appoint new “Young Global Leaders” for a six-year term. Applicants, who must be between the ages of 28 and 38, must have a total of 5 to 15 years of “leadership, exceptional professional experience and recognized achievements” in many fields, such as politics, entrepreneurship, academic research, art, media or civil society.

Ils must also demonstrate a “personal commitment to serve society, locally and globally”. Applicants must also have a “good reputation” and hold, according to their sectors of activity, titles or high responsibilities.

Applications from the private sector, start-ups and civil society must concern presidents, chairmen of boards of directors or directors. Candidates from the public sector must be heads of government, ministers, parliamentarians or even mayors.

Throughout the selection process, candidates are subject to a right of veto. They must, in other words, be unanimous among former members. The Davos Forum does not reveal the criteria on which the selection committee bases itself to choose the 100 participants of each promotion.

Trudeau’s cabinet ‘infiltrated’ by YGL

According to a press release from the WEF, the nominees will follow for three years a leadership development program “to help them have an even more significant impact on society”. Since 2007, participants have been invited to “Summer Davos”, which brings them together with other Forum delegations.

If the former members testify regularly in the annual reports Young Global Leaders or in the media on the impact of this program in their respective positions, this is obviously not what Klaus Schwab is most “iron”. Like the World Economic Forum, the primary vocation of TGLs is global governance.

In 2017, in a video relayed on social networks and the YouTube platform, the German economist explained with “pride” how the World Economic Forum has “infiltrate” governments around the world, particularly in Canada.

During a conference at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, he said that German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Russian President Vladimir Putin were members of the Young Global Leaders. Unlike Emmanuel Macron or Jacinda Ardern, their counterparts do not appear in the list of students and, unless waived by the WEF, were over the age of 40 in 2004, the date of the first YGL promotion.

“But what we are very proud of now, continues Schwab, is the younger generation like that of Prime Minister Trudeau and the President of Argentina (Mauricio Macri, editor’s note)… We have infiltrated their cabinets (…) I know that half of his cabinet (Trudeau, editor’s note), or even more than half of his cabinet, are in fact Young Global Leaders”, he asserted.

In France, many collaborators of the Head of State are also former members of this organization of the WEF. It is Marlene Schiappathen Secretary of State in 2018 and Gabriel Attalthen Minister of Education in 2020 or Christel Heydemanncurrent Orange Group CEO. Najat Vallaud-Belkacem, Minister of Education under François Hollande, is the other French official in be a member of YGL.

As usual, the class of 2023 has many current politicians in its ranks, such as White House Undersecretary to the Cabinet, Daniel Arrigg Koh or Benjamina Karic, Mayor of Sarajevo. Other participants are senior executives in international companies such as Siemens or Meridian or the BlackRock.

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