The young woman went to rest and did not wake up

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A severe tragedy in Beitar Illit and the Bayan Hasidim with the news of the sudden news tonight (Tuesday) of the sudden death of the young woman Miriam Weisberg, the wife of the young heber R. Moshe Weisberg, a Bayan Hasidic student, in her early 20s.

Kikar Hashabat has learned that the deceased went to rest in the afternoon, and after a few hours, when it became clear that she was not waking up, the rescue forces were called to her home on Knesset Yehezkel Street in the city.

Rescue crews performed life-saving resuscitation operations on her, but to no avail and the medical staff was forced to determine her death.

Rescue forces near the rest home (Photo: Shabbat Square)

The deceased is the daughter of Rabbi Yitzchak Derbermadiger, one of the most important followers of Bayan, who married only about six months ago, in the last month of Tammuz.

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The news of the news shocked the residents of the city and the entire community of Bayan followers, when at this stage it is still unknown when the funeral will take place.

Due to the fear that the police would ask to dissect her body, a local call came out to gather in protest near her home, but it soon became clear that the body would not be dissected and the check was canceled.

Due to the tragedy, the Bayan storks canceled a special festive conference that was to be held for the storks’ students, accompanied by an orchestra.

May her soul be bundled in the bundle of life.

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