Theater of Europe paralyzed by a strike for ten days

by time news

Tenth day of strike at the Odéon-Théâtre de l’Europe, in Paris. Since September 30, the two shows on the bill have been cancelled, except on Sundays: days of joyby Arne Lygre, directed by Stéphane Braunschweig, in room 6e borough, and To the extent of the impossiblewritten and directed by Tiago Rodrigues, at Ateliers Berthier, in the 17e borough. The unions FO (Force Ouvrière) and CGT (General Confederation of Labour) are at the origin of this movement, which calls for a salary increase of 7% for all 120 employees. Renewable every day, this strike lasts fifty-nine minutes, between 8:30 p.m. and 9:29 p.m., which in fact causes a cancellation, the performances starting at 8 p.m.

Like all public theatres, the Odéon is subject to a salary grid, discussed at each mandatory annual negotiation between management and the unions, according to the framework law indicated by the Ministry of Culture. This law proposes an envelope which must enter into the budget of the theater. For Candice Wehner, dresser and Synptac-CGT-Odéon union representative, “the budget framework is not at all up to par with the wage losses linked to inflation, and the devaluation of the Odéon’s salary scale for several years. It is not the direction that is being attacked, but the guardianship. But it is up to the management to fight for the revaluation of the salaries of its employees, by increasing the subsidy”.

Loss of 200,000 euros in ticketing

“In the context of inflation, we understand the expectations of employeesanswers Patricia Stibbe, the administrator of the Odéon, but we cannot completely satisfy them. We proposed several scenarios that allowed higher salary increases than in previous years. None has been the subject of a consensus. » During the general meeting on Tuesday, October 11, it was decided that the representations of Thursday and Friday would however be assured. These are the last two of the shows, which will have been presented eleven times out of the twenty-two scheduled. The loss in ticketing amounts to 200,000 euros.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers How inflation upsets the issue of low wages

“We want negotiations and discussions to continuedemande Candice Wehner. We’ll see where they are in November when the next shows are played. » These upcoming shows are I don’t transitby Amir Reza Koohestani, from 8 November to 1is December at Ateliers Berthier, and love death, by Angélica Liddell, from November 10 to 18, place de l’Odéon. Until then, the theater is offering a show outside the walls: the revival of Loveby Alexander Zeldin, from October 15 to 22, at the La Commune theater in Aubervilliers (Seine-Saint-Denis).

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