Theft of his vehicle, the “mobile” for the murder of lawyer Fuster Montiel, says Cuitláhuac – La Clave Online

by time news

SPI Veracruz

The theft of the vehicle was the motive for the kidnapping and murder of lawyer Luis Emilio Fuster Montiel, according to the line of investigation of the State Attorney General’s Office (FGE), reported Governor Cuitláhuac García Jiménez.

In a conference this Monday at the Government Palace, the president explained that the criminal gang arrested was mainly engaged in theft of vehicles, deprivation of personal liberty and homicide in the Medellín de Bravo area.

He added that the FGE will open an additional investigation into the sale in other states of stolen vehicles in Veracruz, since the vehicle stolen from the lawyer Fuster Montiel (Toyota 2020, Hilux model, silver gray), was transferred to the city of Puebla for its sale.

The Morenista governor specified that the investigation has not yet concluded, so there could be more people involved in the criminal organization already detained since, he said, the FGE identified the gang’s modus operandi.

It is worth mentioning that during the clashes that occurred on February 16, four elements were injured, two from the Ministerial Police and two from the Naval Police, as well as one of the ministerial elements was killed.

On the day of the events, the illegal deprivation of the lawyer was followed up, however, he was murdered immediately after having stolen his vehicle.

In this sense, the Veracruz Regional Prosecutor’s Office managed to charge Flavio Miguel “N”, Flavio “N”, Ángel Sabino “N” and María del Carmen “N” as allegedly responsible for crimes against public security institutions, against health , intentional homicide to the detriment of the ministerial police Farets González Grajeda and attempted homicide to the detriment of the ministerial police.

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