“Then Gidi told us: Go wild!”: A one-time performance by the Revolution Orchestra

by time news

After marveling at creating an entire stage musical performance from the only video of the band “The Roosters” and shining in concert for the pale tracker, the Revolution Orchestra returns to the “Israeli Opera Revolution Series” with a one-time musical journey between Gidi Gov’s songs, tomorrow at the Tel Aviv Performing Arts Center .

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“The Revolution Orchestra gave the songs a new color. It’s an exciting and new experience to work with such a happy orchestra,” says Gidi Gov.

The orchestra founded by Roi Oppenheim and Zohar Sharon 17 years ago is a creative ensemble in an orchestral medium centered on a combination of music with the performing arts.

Those who know them already know that one should come to their performances with an open mind. Thus, for example, the orchestra will connect “Almost Autumn” written by Tzruya Lahav to the autumn episode of Vivaldi’s “Four Seasons”.

“We’ll see where they can meet and enlighten each other,” says Roy Oppenheim. “Its lyrics versus its music. Sometimes that’s our goal in reworking: to rethink words you automatically sing.”

The fact that Gov will perform on stage allowed the orchestra to play with the video, which this time is not the main dish on the show. “There’s a black-and-white video of Gidi singing ‘Singer to the Ship’ that connects to ‘Still Waiting for You.’ Participated in them against the background of the song ‘Peas and Carrots’ and of course the song ‘This is Gidi’, and a concerto for ‘This is it’ by Avner Kalmer and Oren Locke, with a collage of all the characters he played and the moments that characterize them. It’s good to expose them as ‘Prima’. “

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Zohar Sharon and Roi Oppenheim Leisure

Zohar Sharon (above) and Roi Oppenheim. Musical adventure track

(Photo: Pini Silok)

Zohar Sharon says of the meeting and work with Gov: “In the first sketches we tried to push the processors to bold places and they were conservative, and then in a meeting with Gidi he said ‘dare, riot more’ and that’s the best thing you can hear from a coach. From this place we worked. Listens to texts all his life and sings them and does not pay attention to things that are hidden there, such as ‘Hold on to the air’ which is a very painful song. We looked for ways to express the meanings with the adaptations, “Suddenly there was alertness, but at the end of the rehearsal he said, ‘Wow. That’s really beautiful! I suddenly notice what’s going on here.”

Oppenheim adds that “the goal is to touch creators who are willing to go out in search, and it is not trivial in Gidi’s status to go to these places and see that we have something to say about the material.

“But slowly we have developed a relationship that he can trust us and my goal as a conductor is that even though he has 30 more musicians on stage with him, he will still feel almost like performing with his band. It’s kind of a musical roller coaster like we always try to do.”


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