by time news

2023-07-20 18:31:07

Right now we Colorados are at what we used to call a crossroads.

On the one hand, walking along the edge of the precipice (of absent football) provided by the very bad work of the former coach who, with praise, was finally fired. In the opposite direction, the solution found was to seek as a new coach a citizen who suddenly abandoned the Club, team and fans in the middle of three competitions and without any explanation, something that only (vetoed by the legal system – the fashionable phrase) is capable of being and doing. And even more Argentinian.

They want to drive me crazy. It should be noted that they call me crazy and it’s not for nothing. I like madness. But this time, and these times that only Internacional provides me with, I will finally have to resort to therapy.

Once, Ernani, my old and good friend of decades (one of the only ones who still supports me) called me on an adventure towards Argentina. He wanted to buy tires for one of his cars and he hadn’t realized that the stores were actually in Uruguay. For a long time I thought he was confused on purpose, until I realized that no, the man was a mess even from birth.

We left at 4 am heading to Jaguarão (by then he had already realized the right direction) and we took his brother on the ride in his white 2005 Uno. Going there was an adventure. I took the wheel of the vehicle with the sun already wanting to rise and on one of those straights after the entrance to Arroio Grande; I put the pointer at 180km/h. Yes, in One. One stone in the way was enough for me not to be here today.

But God really punished me with violent diarrhea on arrival in Rio Branco, the fault of Carmen’s pastry that I had eaten the night before. And to everyone’s surprise, Uninho’s engine was still alive after my adventure. Epic!

The Uno guided by the previous coach, however, no longer had the strength to “shoot” to Argentina (or anywhere else). It even went far, largely because of the car owner’s insistence on not admitting that the engine was already knocking and was still going much more out of stubbornness than the vehicle’s power. After all, he admitted that it was time to change cars.

I don’t like Coudet as a person (from what he’s shown us so far), I think a crybaby is typical of Argentines and, above all, I don’t like Argentines. But I like Internacional a lot and once again I’m willing to overcome my differences for a simple reason to admit: the Coudet person I (still) don’t like is the best coach we could bring in at this moment. Yes, I admit that it was under his command that we had the best tactical / technical work of the last decade and if there is anyone who can set a tactical and technical standard for this team, it is Eduardo Coudet.

I will therefore go back to watching Inter’s games with a desire, since the tendency is to see something that at least looks like football right away. As for my resentment, well, maybe therapy will solve it. They say that those who love forgive, right?

Come to think of it, there’s therapy!

However, at least this time I have an open heart…


– The past is no longer spoken of. We move forward and may Mano Menezes be happy with his oxen;

– Anyone who saw the teams from the 70s on the field must like tactics. The new coach clearly likes it too. It’s a good path to recovery;

– After what I saw bleeding from many of the press and some who call themselves “fans” for the arrival of the Coudet, I am even getting used to the idea easier;

– With a tactical pattern we will soon see that we probably have more players in the group than we actually need;

– In short, the group has nothing, let’s face it;

‘They say Taison is just waiting for the call.’ He hopes he’s sitting up straight;

– It seems that the board, finally, woke up to life and decided to worry less about some wags there. Too bad he does it now when he has almost nothing left to lose;

– Repiso: “It doesn’t matter how hard you hit, it matters how hard you can get hit and keep going. How much can you bear and move on!” There is no other phrase that so closely matches our lives at this moment, Colorado People.


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