There are already 626 hectares affected 2024-02-15 01:12:28

by time news

The fire that affects Sadness arm of the Nahuel Huapi National Park already swept away 626 hectaresaccording to the part disseminated this million by the natural area authorities.

During today’s event, the Incident Command meeting was held to analyze the actions of the last few days and plan the next operational strategies.

The authorities warned that the work of the brigade members is carried out “in a highly complex terrain«, this due to the possibility of falling large trees. At the moment, no major incidents have been reported – according to the authorities.

Fire in Nahuel Huapi park: work this Wednesday

This Wednesday the operation began at 6 hours, while the availability of air means was determined from 10 am. During the deployment they were affected a Fireboss amphibious aircraft, a Bell 412 helicopter with helicopter, and an observer aircraft.

Participate 68 fighters of National Parks, the Río Negro Forest Fire Prevention and Fighting Service (SPLIF) and the Neuquén Provincial Fire Management System. In addition to 26 Park agents including technicians, logisticians and administrative personnel.

In addition, personnel from the Argentine Naval Prefecture, Civil Protection of the Municipality of Bariloche, National Gendarmerie, SPLIF central Bariloche, El Bolsón and General Conesa, Directorate of Forests of Río Negro, Río Negro Police, Transit, Ejé intervened. Argentine Army, Federal Police, volunteer firefighters from the Campanario, Melipal, Ruca Cura, and Dina Huapi barracks, Undersecretariat of Forest Resources of Río Negro, Siarme and the Provincial Fire Management System of Neuquén.

The work concluded at 18 hours.

Fire in Nahuel Huapi park: recommendations

From the Park, we remind you that the Cinco Lagunas Crossing remains closed. When making the Trekking Registration you will find the necessary information regarding the enabled paths.

It is reiterated that within 48 hours before going out to the mountain it is mandatory to complete the Trekking Registration at, check the forecast and weather alerts, as well as the status of the fire, for possible closures. of trails and areas.

On the other hand, the entry into the arm Sadness of any individual andIt is prohibited, due to possible risks to physical integrity.

2024-02-15 01:12:28

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