There are encouraging data, but tobacco addiction does not subside in Argentina

by time news

2023-10-03 21:50:00

A recently published national study ensures that the tobacco and the alcohol Are the addictions that affect Argentines the most, above the use of psychotropic drugs. The research also revealed that tobacco is consumed by 25% of the people surveyed, and that it is even a use that begins in many cases before trying beer.

However, encouraging data also emerge that show a level of awareness about the problem of smoking, pTherefore, it could be a window of opportunity to make changes in favor of health.

The survey was carried out by INDEC, together with the Secretariat of Comprehensive Drug Policies (Sedronar) in 2022, on the use of both legal and illegal psychoactive substances. It covered more than 40,000 households across the country and surveyed people between 16 and 75 years old, a broader age range than previous studies had adopted.

Custom, tradition and habit are common factors that intersect when adopting these consumptions. That is, behaviors that can be modified. The average age of first contact with tobacco is 17.4 years. At the same time, according to this important survey, a notable aspect is that the substance that generates the most concern among consumers themselves is tobacco, with 68.2%. Much more than the alcohol (32.6%) o la marihuana (13,7%).

Addiction to tobacco

Of the total number of people who showed concern, 69% admitted to having asked for help or taken some particular action. The majority chose a fundamental practice for general health care: “self-care”, an individual change of habits and actions that prevent and help overcome problems.

Within these changes they mention physical or spiritual activity, as well as the search for information. Two out of ten respondents sought help from a health institution.

Addictions without debate: what do Argentines think about drug consumption?

Is it possible to quit smoking? The question really is not if you can, but how and why. Smoking can cause DNA damage of our cells, in addition to respiratory and lung diseases; and even sudden death. Smoke not only affects the smoker, but also those around them.

smoking has a negative impact on fertility and it is the most common cause of pregnancy complications, such as spontaneous abortion or sudden infant death syndrome, among other effects.

It is estimated that 26% of women of childbearing age are smokers, and between 15% and 20% of pregnant women are also smokers.

Quitting smoking has positive effects on your health, almost immediately. Already after 12 hours, carbon monoxide levels in the blood return to normal. As the months go by, the cough and difficulty breathing begin to improve. At one year, the risk of heart disease is half that of someone who still smokes.

Smoking has a negative impact on fertility and causes spontaneous abortions; also, sudden death in infants.

In 2021, the National Ministry of Health published the National Clinical Practice Guideline for the Treatment of Tobacco Addictioncarried out by 25 experts from 13 medical associations, who analyzed the available scientific evidence on the effectiveness of different treatments for quitting smoking.

Among pharmacological therapies, nicotinic replacement therapy (NRT) stands out, available in the form of transdermal patches, gum or lozenges to dissolve in the mouth.

This type of therapy provides controlled doses of nicotine, thus helping to control the desire to smoke. It is proven that the nicotinic replacement therapy It can double the chances of quitting smoking, compared to the results obtained if no treatment is performed.

Medical care from specialized professionals is also essential, as well as the help that institutions such as the Argentine Tobacco Association (ASAT)made up of professionals from different areas who work on tobacco control.

However, the first important step is awareness of the problem and commitment to “self-care”, adopting individual changes that lead to healthier habits.

* Medical Scientist at Haleon in Argentina

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