there are no permits for the festival, but the organizers assure that the event will take place

by times news cr

2024-07-17 20:14:28

Nijolė Piekienė, head of the Landscape Protection Department of KNNP, commented to the news portal “What’s happening in Neringa” last month that the directorate, following the competence assigned to it by legal acts, did not approve the project for the installation of temporary trading places, cafes and kiosks (pavilions) due to the non-compliance of the said project with the applicable legal acts and the detailed plan solutions.

N. Piekienė pointed out that the territory planning document “Nida Seaside Recreational Zone Plan” provides only the following activities in this area: active sports, windsurfing, kite sports.

The Department of Environmental Protection has been informed

As Lina Dikšaitė, head of the KNNP directorate, commented to “15min”, the “Ant bangos” festival approached the directorate only on July 8. The head of the directorate said that she informed the Environmental Protection Department and the State Territorial Planning and Construction Inspectorate about the situation.

Commenting on the situation, the Curonian Spit National Park on the social network Facebook said that the park management does not coordinate the mass events “On the wave” and “Anna met Neringa” on the northern beach of Nida.

The directorate also stated that the mentioned territory is intended for recreation and active sports for visitors of the Curonian Spit National Park, but not for mass events. It cannot carry out activities that worsen the recreation conditions for other beach visitors and harm the environment.

“Event organizers, while preparing the place for the events, reshape and level the beach and destroy the protective dune ridge, during the work they use heavy machinery and mechanical tools. This disrupts people’s recreation and damages natural and cultural values.

Because of the mass events organized on the northern beach of Nida every year, the authorities receive complaints from local residents and visitors about noise, unregulated people and traffic flows, garbage and other pollution, the organizers are punished for various violations,” the KNNP directorate writes on Facebook.

As Neringa municipality representative Sandra Vaišvlaitė pointed out to “15min”, this event has been organized for many years, and the response of the Curonian Spit National Park Directorate to the event organizers’ request to coordinate the event was submitted only yesterday. We evaluate the situation and the arguments presented by the Directorate of the Curonian Spit National Park,” S. Vaišvilaitė commented on the situation.

The organizers reassure the visitors

On Tuesday, the organizers of the dance music festival “Ant Bangos” shared a post on social networks, in which the participants of the festival are told that the event will definitely take place. “Shh! We are spreading rumours. The domes are already in place and will definitely BE!”.

From this message publicly published on social networks to the fans of the festival, it can be concluded that the organizers of the event will organize the festival even without obtaining the necessary permits and will probably be faced with decisions after some time, if they are made.

According to the portal “What’s happening in Neringa”, a visit by the Construction Inspectorate is scheduled for Thursday.

We remind you that last year the strong wind from the north and west mercilessly blew down the “Kupola” that was standing on the beach, and help was being prepared to clean up the beach. The consequences of the storms are still visible on the northern beach of Nida. A few years ago, businessmen rented an abandoned warehouse next to the beach with a terrace for parties, but as summer progressed, the parties took to the sand for the annual Dome.

The “Ant Bangos” festival on Nida beach has been organized since 2013. Residents of Neringa have repeatedly expressed their dissatisfaction with the sounds emitted by the event and the crowds of people it attracts. Last year, “Ant bangos” was already fined for environmental violations.

2024-07-17 20:14:28

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