There is a lot of money for the destruction of nature

by time news

2023-12-09 20:41:20

Every year, according to a UN report, almost seven trillion dollars of public and private resources are invested worldwide in policies and activities that have a direct negative impact on nature. Investments in so-called nature-based solutions, on the other hand, only amounted to $200 billion last year, according to the report by the UN environmental program Unep presented on Saturday at the UN climate conference COP28.

In order to achieve the goals of the Rio environmental conference, investments in nature-based solutions would have to be almost tripled. Nature-based solutions include reforestation or the restoration of marshlands or mangrove swamps.

When presenting the report, UNEP boss Inger Andersen referred to the three closely linked crises – climate change, loss of biodiversity and land degradation, i.e. the damage to the soil so that it can only fulfill its ecological and economic functions poorly or not at all. “Nature-based solutions are dramatically underfunded,” she said. Andersen called for “a major change for nature.” The report is a call for governments and the private sector to invest in nature.

Philipp Krohn Published/Updated: Recommendations: 29 Joachim Müller-Jung,Christan Schwägerl Published/Updated: Recommendations: 13 Joachim Müller-Jung Published/Updated: Recommendations: 8

“The widespread deterioration of nature is not only exacerbating the climate crisis, but is also pushing us to the limits of our planet,” warned Jochen Flasbarth, State Secretary in the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation, which financially supported the report.

The results of the UNEP report are based on an analysis of global financial flows, for example in construction, electricity supply, real estate, oil and gas as well as food and tobacco. Government subsidies in economic sectors with harmful consequences for nature could also contribute to the destruction of wetlands, forests and other natural landscapes.

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