There is a teacher shortage in Austria! The Minister of Education is at the center of the reactions!

by time news

Vienna. Interviews with the Austrian Education Minister Martin Polaschek (ÖVP) sparked anger, especially among teachers who had long complained of staff shortages.

Of the 123,000 teachers in Austria, 33,300 are over 55, and 20,000 will retire soon. According to educators, Polaschek’s strategies to attract lateral transfers and Matura holders to schools with attractive attacks and reduce the education period to three years are well-intentioned, but the picture he draws does not coincide with reality.

Styrian educator Hannes Grünbichler, a senior education unionist, “All these measures are not good for the acute emergency. More attractive salaries and working hours, relief in administrative matters. None of this is involved in the minister’s ‘Klasse Job’ initiative.” says.

“Education has become the toy of politics!”

For this, teachers take action with the „Krasser Job“. Performances will be held together with „Schule brennt“. Julia Holzer, Educational Psychologist from the University of Vienna, said that despite the heavy workload, teachers usually do their job with love. „Teachers used to be highly respected, but this is no longer the case today. One of the reasons for this is that the education system has often become a political toy, for example, the demand for compulsory German during class breaks. This is a demand with no added value for teachers and students.” He illustrates the situation with his words.

According to educators, one of the problems is the lack of participation in reforms; but most of all, there is a lack of appreciation. Julia Holzer, who recently conducted a study on the German language support model with Christiane Spiel on behalf of the ministry, “Teachers are left alone with their worries. Young people don’t want to put themselves in this situation.” says. Educators mention that hundreds of interviews were made and some suggestions were made as a result, but no steps were taken.

Noting that they need bold solutions, educators asked, “Is Minister Polaschek brave enough?” statements were noteworthy. (

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