There is also a glass ceiling among researchers. And Italy is third to last in Europe –

by time news

2023-10-31 13:41:58

by Health Editorial Staff

This is confirmed by a study published in «The Lancet Regional Health Europe», carried out by a team of experts from the Catholic University, which shows the gender gap in the world of scientific research

Gender disparity is also present in research. European women, although they represent half of graduates and doctorates, are progressively abandoning their academic careers and represent only 33% of researchers, 26% of professors and 29.8% of authors of scientific articles. The figure drops dramatically when it comes to scientific subjects, the so-called STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) where it reaches 17.9 for the engineering and technology sectors. In this scenario, Italy appears to be among the most backward countries in terms of gender equality in the world of research, ranking third to last in Europe with only 17% of women occupying the highest research roles. The data is confirmed by a study published in «The Lancet Regional Health – Europe», signed by Professor Stefania Boccia, Professor of General and Applied Hygiene at the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the Catholic University, Rome campus and Deputy Scientific Director of the Foundation University Hospital “A. Gemelli” IRCCS, by Dr. Sara Farina, doctor in specialist training at the Hygiene Section of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, and by Professor Raffaella Iafrate, Professor of Social Psychology at the Faculty of Psychology of the Catholic University, Milan campus, and Pro – Rector Delegate of the Rector for Equal Opportunities.

Obstacles for women

Among the main barriers encountered by women in the world of research there is still a marked prejudice against female scientists, difficulties linked to the lack of recognition of women’s work and the lack of mentorship programs dedicated to women, which can support them both on a personal level and in achieving and maintaining ambitious goals, such as holding leadership roles. However, the biggest obstacle to overcome lies in the burdensome work-family balance, so much so that the greatest impacts compared to a career downsizing occur after motherhood. «This leads to a loss of talent in academia, but also a loss of the female perspective that could add valuable ideas, innovation and creativity in research teams. Furthermore, the scarcity of successful female role models and mentors in senior positions also has a negative impact on women’s confidence and ambition in pursuing an academic career,” explains Boccia.

Il Gender Equality Plan (GEP)

With the aim of creating a fair and inclusive academic environment, the European Union’s Horizon Europe program has established a gender equality plan, in which gender equality represents a fundamental pillar in the world of research. The GEP envisages the implementation of actions and projects that favor the reduction of gender asymmetries in 5 areas of intervention:
1) work-family balance;
2) gender equity in leadership and decision-making positions;
3) gender equity in recruitment and career progression;
4) integration of the gender dimension in research and teaching topics
5) prevention of gender discrimination

In line with this initiative, many European universities are also implementing specific university plans. «At the Catholic University, a process of rationalization and optimization of actions in the field of Equal Opportunities has been started, through the creation of a Task Force of all the academic, administrative and student components, which in various capacities are involved in the topic of Equal Opportunities – underlines Japhrates – . In fact, the GEP Team and the GEP Unit, table 7 of the University strategic plan dedicated to Equal Opportunities (PO) and the Equal Opportunities Committee (CPO) are active. In particular, table 7 of the University Strategic Plan provides for a series of actions aimed at recognizing the equal dignity of the person in terms of gender, generational equity, equality in conditions of different abilities, support for the family and parenting, diffusion of a culture of equality in the recognition of differences. The Equal Opportunities Committee, in addition to collaborating on the projects of the Strategic Plan and the GEP, promotes cultural events, supervises the drafting of guidelines for the protection of the right to education and for parenting support, promotes inter-university contacts and with associations that deal with PO, and participate in national and international events and realities that promote awareness and training on the topic”.

October 31, 2023 (modified October 31, 2023 | 12:38)

#glass #ceiling #among #researchers #Italy #Europe

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