there is also Pinuccio di Striscia

by time news

Many lawyers, accountants, professors of law and economics, some company executives, but there is also a large representation of journalists, editorial consultants, TV authors and there are also some former parliamentarians. It is the variegated professional picture that emerges from the 194 candidates who have sent their curriculum vitae to the offices of the Senate and the Chamber, who aspire to access the 4 positions on the Rai board reserved for representatives appointed by the parliament. According to what Adnkronos has seen, there are 183 names in the list of Palazzo Madama, those who have reached Montecitorio are 132. Many candidates have presented the ‘application’ to both the Senate and the Chamber. In the end, the actual number is 194 candidates. Of these, two will be designated by the Senate, as many by the Chamber.

There are many well-known names that have presented themselves to the selection. One for all: Giovanni Minoli, inventor of ‘Mixer’, journalist, author, host, head of the structure and network director, from a life in the company in Viale Mazzini. The list also includes Tullio Camiglieri, essayist expert in digital TV, former Sky executive, currently in charge of Thyssenkrupp’s external relations and Mauro Masi, former RAI general manager in 2009 and general secretary at Palazzo Chigi with the government led by Silvio Berlusconi. .

Former politicians include Elio Massimo Palmizio, deputy and senator of the PDL; Mario Marazziti, a legislature in the Chamber with a Democratic Center; Giancarlo Mazzuca, director of Resto del Carlino and of the Day already in the Rai board of directors, as well as deputy of the PDL as Luca D’Alessandro (journalist with two legislatures with Fi and then Ala), Salvatore Cicu, lawyer and former blue parliamentarian. Politico (a legislature in the Chamber in 1994 with Fi) is also Giancarlo Innocenzi, who was part of the first center-right government as undersecretary for the Tlc.

Many, as mentioned, the journalists starting with Piero Vigorelli, director of the regional Tg of Rai where he worked for 8 years, then moving on to Mediaset, for whose networks he conducted various programs, becoming director of Tg5 in 2005. From the company from viale Mazzini come the former deputy director of Tg1 Daniela Tagliafico, Tiziana Ferrario, who for years has been one of the best known faces of Tg1, Roberto Amen and the former director of Isoradio and Tg3, Danilo Scarrone. From Mediaset comes Claudio Brachino, former host of Tg5 and director of Videonews.

Journalists with a long experience in institutions or political parties are Stefano Sedazzari, currently head of communication for the Pd group in the Senate; Stefano Menichini, spokesman for Minister Roberto Gualtieri at the Mef and head of the press office of the Chamber in the past legislature; Giuseppe Sangiorgi, who was the spokesperson for Ciriaco De Mita, president of the Istituto Luce and former commissioner of the Tlc Authority.

Among the candidates there is also Alessio Giannone, also known by the pseudonym of Pinuccio, well-known face of Striscia la Notizia.

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