“There is no end in sight”: the grace at Yeshiva Hamad, which left the burglars without the money • Watch

by time news

Photo: Courtesy of the photographer

These days, tens of thousands of yeshiva students are on vacation between times, when most of the yeshiva are empty. Also at the “Maor Yitzchak” yeshiva in Moshav Hamed they went on break between summer time and Elul time, when three masked thieves took advantage of this last Shabbat evening and broke into the yeshiva complex. In a conversation with ‘JDN News’ they say at the yeshiva that they involved the police in the matter, but so far there is no clue to the burglars.

The burglary itself took place at 2 o’clock Saturday night, but it was not discovered until the following morning. In between times, the yeshiva complex is rented, when the last tenants were on Saturday – and the next ones were supposed to arrive only on Sunday. The break-in was discovered due to the fact that the yeshiva had already started preparing for the time of Elul, and intended to carry out renovations and expansions due to the fact that the needs of the yeshiva had increased. When they did a tour of the dormitory rooms yesterday (Sunday) morning, to check what needed to be taken care of, they found destruction in several rooms in the complex. “The management entered the room, saw that everything was upside down. Upon checking the security cameras, they identified the burglars, three masked ones,” the guys at the yeshiva say.

The cameras show the burglars wandering around the yeshiva compound. The police estimated that the burglars aimed to rob the safe that is located in the management offices, but in reality they broke into the rabbinical room where the Yeshiva GMC is located. In the room there is a GMC safe, and the robbers who thought they had found the loot – took the safe with them and left the compound. “On Sieta Dashmia,” the yeshiva book adds, “at Tisha B’av one of the rabbis took all the money from there (from the yeshiva’s safe), for the time between the times . The money was taken to repay a favor to a person who needed a certain amount, and the intention was to return the money back to GMH on the first day of Elul. Thank God there was nothing in the safe at the time of the break-in.”

After leaving the yeshiva compound with the safe, the thieves apparently broke into the safe already near the place, and of course were disappointed by the empty safe. Later, the students of the yeshiva found the safe discarded in a grove near the seat, and with it they also found the burglar’s tools. When we tried to find out how the break-in took place, Yeshiva estimates that the burglars entered through one of the rear gates of the compound. “Climb over the gate and enter,” they say. The yeshiva added that the disappointed thieves later even tried to break into the moshav’s secretariat, Moshav Hamed.

When they found out about the break-in at the yeshiva, they rushed to call the police. However, the investigators who arrived at the scene had to leave empty-handed, since “the burglars were very sophisticated. Masked, who could be either Arabs or even a local band of thieves.” In recent times, Moshav Hamed has been suffering from a wave of burglaries, when so far the police have not been able to get their hands on the burglars.

“Then you looked at the security cameras, the thieves did indeed seem very skilled. Jumping over the fence, looking to see if they weren’t observed by residents in the area – and slowly advancing to the office where they thought the Yeshiva’s funds were,” Maor Yitzchak continues to tell us. When they realized at the meeting that the chances of finding the thieves were low, the management decided not to file an official complaint. The chief investigator who arrived at the scene claimed to the yeshiva students that even during the break-in attempt, a masked person with stocking caps and gloves arrived at the secretary of the moshav, and there is actually no way to catch them.

In a conversation with the students of the yeshiva, they say: “We are afraid that they will try to break into us again. Between times, there are no guys sleeping there, there were no families that night. They would not have discovered the break-in, without the preparations for the time of Elul and the tour of the place in preparation for the renovation of the rooms. The entire campus will undergo renovation, They discovered Sodom and Gomorrah instead.” We asked for a response from the police spokesmen, when received we will publish.

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