“There is no precedent for an early autumn as hot as this one in Spain”

by time news

2023-10-02 16:52:48

Updated Monday, October 2, 2023 – 16:52

October begins with 35 heat records for this month. The 38 C in Badajoz and 38.2 C in Montoro (Córdoba) on Sunday beat the previous maximum temperature measured on the Peninsula in October (37.5 C Marbella in 2014). The summer extension will continue this week

Baistas on the playa Silgar de Sanxenxo (Pontevendra) last Saturday, September 30ELENA FERNNDEZEUROPA PRESS

We could remove the diminutive from the summer of San Miguel this year. The high temperatures recorded last week, up to 14 degrees above normal in Spain at the beginning of autumn, have not only filled terraces and beaches in recent days; It seems that this extension of summer will continue at least throughout this week, with most of the country above 30 degrees. An extreme meteorology for the autumn that will also bring sudden changes: in Bilbao no less than 37 degrees are expected for this Monday, but just as striking is that tomorrow, Tuesday, they will not go above 22 degrees, that is, they will have 15 degrees less from one day to the next.

What is already certain is that October began on Sunday, breaking numerous heat records, according to this newspaper, Rubén del Campo, spokesperson for the State Meteorological Agency (Aemet): “On Sunday, October 1, 35 stations on the main network of Aemet, that is, approximately one in three, broke their record for maximum temperature for the month of October. Around 350 automatic stations reached or exceeded 32 degrees, which represents almost 40% of the stations. In most of the territory they were records between seven and 14 degrees higher than usual at this time of year.

“There is no precedent for such a warm end of September and beginning of October for the whole of Spain,” Del Campo assures once the data collected yesterday has been analyzed. And both the aforementioned October 1 and September 29 and 30 have been the warmest for their date since at least 1950. Another fact that reflects the unprecedented intensity of this heat wave for this time of year is that “the air mass that flew over our country on those dates was probably the warmest since there are records”.

To know ms


The Aemet is experiencing its most controversial and extreme summer: “Without a doubt, tomorrow we would launch the red notice for DANA again in Madrid if we see the same maps”

Editorial: TERESA GUERRERO The Aemet is experiencing its most controversial and extreme summer: “Without a doubt, tomorrow we would launch the red notice for DANA again in Madrid if we see the same maps”

Among the records that were broken, the maximum temperature that was endured yesterday in Badajoz was 38 °C, and the 38.2 °C in Montoro (Córdoba), surpassing in both cases the previous maximum temperature for the month of October measured in peninsular Spain, which had been the 37.5 C reached in Marbella (Mlaga), in 2014.

They also draw attention 34.8 degrees measured at Salamanca airport (which exceeded the previous record of 31.5 degrees measured in 2017 by more than three degrees) in a series that has almost 80 years of data; 34.4 C in Daroca, in the province of Zaragoza, a station more than a century old whose previous record was 32.9 C measured in 1925; or the 30 degrees measured at the also centenary station in Madrid’s El Retiro park, which equaled its previous record in October (1930).

In Burgos they had never been at 30 degrees in October and yesterday they endured 32.1 (the previous record was 29.1 degrees and occurred in 2004).

It was also very hot in the Canary Islands, especially in the south of Gran Canaria, where they enjoyed 36 degrees but there they did not beat the 39 degrees that have previously been reached for October.

“An extraordinary episode of heat”

Despite the high temperatures, formally this episode will not be considered a heat wave because as Del Campo clarifies, “although the temperatures are very high for the season and typical of summer, to speak of a heat wave there would have to have been extreme records even in the middle of summer (heat wave temperatures are 5% of the warmest in July and August)”. However, he emphasizes that “It is an extraordinary episode for the time of year.”

As we said, the heat is going to continue this week, but how much are the thermometers going to rise? “In principle, the highest temperatures during the next few days will be between 36 and 38 C in the Guadiana and Guadalquivir valleys,” explains Del Campo, who also anticipates that although there will be ups and downs depending on the days and the area (such as “the extraordinary drop in the northern third that they will have on Tuesday compared to Monday”) in general, 32-34 degrees will continue to be exceeded in the southern half and 30 degrees in most of Spain.

The autumn weather will not arrive until next week when, according to Del Campo, a thermal drop could occur if a frontal system arrives that will leave rain mainly in the northwest, and also a drop in temperatures in the Canary Islands.

Third to hydrological dry month

The hydrological year that runs from October 1, 2022 to September 30, 2023, ended last Saturday, the sixth driest of this century and the eleventh in the historical series, since 1961, with an average rainfall of 12%. lower than average.

According to the latest Aemet bulletin, with data up to September 26, the national average value of accumulated rainfall since October 1, 2022 is estimated at 561 liters per square meter compared to the average 632 liters per square meter. .

#precedent #early #autumn #hot #Spain

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