There is no recourse that can hinder or challenge the constitutional reform to the Judicial Branch, assured the coordinator of the federal deputies of Morena, Ricardo Monreal.
“Not even for procedural failures. Neither unconstitutionality actions nor constitutional controversies are admissible, nor amparo trials, suspensions or any type that derives from guarantee trials are admissible, because the reforming power is the supremacy over the entire Mexican legal framework,” asserted the president of the Political Coordination Board (Jucopo) in San Lázaro, after declaring the constitutionality of the judicial reform.
Not even, he insisted, the order of the collegiate court before the changes to the Constitution on the matter were approved.
“The same thing was attempted here; a district judge granted a suspension, we did not submit to the jurisdiction of an incompetent and unconstitutional body. They do not have the power to do so,” he said.
Regarding the opposition’s announcement to even go to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, Monreal said that they are within their rights, but there has never been any recourse against a constitutional reform in the past, “never! There is jurisprudence from the Court to the effect that any legal action against an addition or a constitutional reform is inadmissible.”
The Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) can rule on general norms, but not on constitutional reforms, and it has never done so.
“Moreover, there is jurisprudence that binds them and obliges them to abide by them; no appeal can be made against the reform, addition or modification of an article of the Constitution,” he said.
He added that the next stage of this reform will be to create secondary laws to implement the reform, for which, he asserted, they still have time, “when it is published and then we will see the call and regulatory laws. We are on time.”
2024-09-18 12:23:23