“There is nothing worrying, grieving protests”

by time news

There is actually nothing worrying right now“. Thus, Franco Locatelli, coordinator of the Technical Scientific Committee (CTS) for the coronavirus emergency and president of the Higher Health Council (Css), interviewed by ‘Zapping’ on Rai reassures the progress of the Covid-19 epidemic in Italy Radio 1. However, he adds, “I am saddened by some protests regarding vaccines and the Green pass“, implemented” not understanding that it was the only way to restore at least a large part of our activities “.

For Locatelli, those who cry out for denied freedom “are really difficult to understand. Those who do not understand the usefulness of the vaccination campaign and also the need to have the Green pass until we further reduce viral circulation – he stresses – means that they have not understood that this is the only strategy to get out of a situation that has tragically claimed so many victims all over the world and also in our country, the first of the Western countries to have faced the pandemic “.

As for the increase in tampons, more than the first doses, “a free vaccination is enough to be able to have the Green pass and have a clear advantage in terms of protecting one’s health”, points out Locatelli. “I say this with a phrase perhaps a little effective, but those who do not get vaccinated – he warns – do not love each other”.

The situation of viral circulation in Italy” And “among the most favorable” in all of Europe, if you look at “the cumulative incidence of October 28 on 100 thousand inhabitants, only Spain has lower than ours – explains the president of the Higher Health Council – And the impact on health services, understood as occupation of places read in the medical departments and in the intensive care units, it is largely contained. This does not mean that due attention must be paid to the increase in the numbers of newly infected, which today, among other things, are lower than in the previous days “.

The data of the last few days “reassure even more that in Italy we are by no means in an out of control situation, and all this is due to the high adhesion to the vaccination campaign, we are now almost 83% of vaccinable people who have completed the immunization cycle. Obviously, we can and must do better, the goal is to reach at least 90% “. The good data of Italy are also due – adds the president of the CSS – also to the fact” that we have continued to maintain a whole series of measures that protect against contagion, wearing masks indoors and social distancing are valid above all, something that has not happened in other countries that have markedly more worrying numbers than “ours.”

How will 90% of vaccinated people be reached given the resistance of some not to undergo the vaccine? “I think it is worth talking about hesitation and reluctance. This underlines the importance of the work of persuasion by health professionals, especially general practitioners, we must explain to these people that getting vaccinated means loving yourself”.

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