“There is solidarity only for Israel” – Corriere.it

by time news

The situation is very critical, the Israeli aggression is inconceivable, brutal, and there are dozens and dozens of deaths in Gaza, including children and women, and hundreds of injured. A few minutes ago they informed me that the electricity grid was also affected. Speaks on the phone from Ramallah, the Palestinian ambassador to Italy, Abeer Odeh.

it all started from Israel with the raid of Israeli agents on the Temple Mount during Ramadan and against the evictions that threaten dozens of Palestinian families in the neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah, in East Jerusalem. To all this, we add the theme of the Palestinian elections, prevented in Jerusalem by Israel, a gross violation of international law … The pandemic should have taught us that we are all equal and instead look at the result.

Crucial is the role of the international community that uses a double standard in condemning the rockets but not the actions of Israel. As for the protests, including violent ones, by Arab-Israelis in Israel they were expected: they cannot remain silent when their brothers are killed in Jerusalem or Gaza. They cannot stand still while Palestinian children are stripped of their right to the future and the homes of civilians are bombed. And exactly what happened in the United States after George Floyd was killed by the police, the oppressed revolt. For every action there is a reaction and what is happening. The Palestinian people have the right to defend themselves if attacked.

Israel and Gaza, the insights

In these hours there is talk of an Israeli plan that provides for the use of ground troops in Gaza. Do you think Israel will adopt this option? And if so, what will the answer be?

I don’t think Israel will go this way. An invasion would result in many casualties among the military and the Israeli government does not want that. He prefers to bomb Palestinian civilians from the air.

Anyone who has read the newspapers in recent weeks knows that the fuse has been lit by Israeli repression during Ramadan celebrations, by the ethnic cleansing that Tel Aviv carries out in Occupied East Jerusalem, and by the boycott of Palestinian elections, resulting from the prohibition of voting. citizens of this city, the legitimate capital of the State of Palestine, where violence and provocations by the occupying forces and settlers have reached unprecedented levels, to the point of desecrating sacred places. Not to mention the silence in the face of the continuous violations of human rights and international law repeatedly ascertained by the UN, and the inert indifference in the face of the occupation and its consequences: the expansion of illegal settlements, the demolition of Palestinian houses, the arbitrary detentions, the unjustified killings, the miserable living conditions to which the Palestinians are condemned, apartheid, the impossibility of having their own state. The international community must move, stand up and defend the rights of those who are oppressed.

He spoke on the phone with the secretary of the Democratic Party Enrico Letta who called for an immediate ceasefire. What are you asking of the Italian government?

It saddens to see several Italian political leaders show their solidarity with Israel without saying a word about its responsibility for what is happening in that area these days. , not to support illegal occupation. We would like to see the neutrality principle respected. Only then can we think of a role for Italy and the international community to attempt mediation.

May 14, 2021 (change May 14, 2021 | 14:38)


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