There was a month when I was away from home for 25 days running a show

by times news cr

Artists Quang Teo and Hoang Hai in a scene.

– Retiring from the Military Drama Theater, Quang Teo’s shows are getting more and more expensive every day?

Previously, we mainly performed in theaters, we did one play a month. Every year, the theater will have a business trip lasting two to three months spanning the central and southern provinces, islands, and mountainous areas.

After retiring, some months I was away from home for about 25 days, and less days for less than 15 days. I just finished the movie Barefoot Giants, not to mention running shows in the provinces.

The shows are packed and I don’t have an assistant, so I often write down the filming schedule in my phone notes. For as long as I’ve been performing, I’ve always driven and done everything myself. I believe there is nothing more precious than independence and freedom.

Moreover, if I do it myself, it will be less expensive, saving some costs for myself and the person who invited me. Not to mention the days when we were away from home and rented a hotel to stay in another room, it was very complicated. Therefore, I chose to write down all the tour schedules on my phone, then open the schedule. If the filming schedules overlap, I will try to discuss with the director and manager to only allow filming until 5pm so that I can still run the show in the evening.

Even if I write that down, there are still times when I receive duplicate schedules without even realizing it, but luckily they can be handled. There are many days when I squeeze my legs up to my neck, it’s very hard.

Listen to Quang Teo: Have a 25-day wedding ceremony to cancel the show-Hinh-2

Artist Quang Teo is a tree lover, he can sit all day enjoying tea and looking at trees if he is not busy with a show.

– Is it time for you to think about resting?

I do this job mainly because of my passion, secondly because the audience loves it, secondly because the director finds the role suitable so they invite me.

Every year during Tet I film 6 or 7 movies, this year it’s less. Audiences often worry that while I’m filming one movie, I’ll be filming another, fearing there will be overlap. In fact, each person has a personality, each character has a different personality, portrayed differently.

Many people rumored that I collected billions of money for filming Tet comedies. I do have it! I admit that I have income from acting because I’m a hard-working person, but I don’t have billions for the Tet comedy film season.

The acting job is extremely difficult, and being an artist and soldier makes it even more difficult. If I didn’t love the job, I would definitely have quit. Many people my age have quit their jobs. I tried to overcome those difficulties, now life is better.

My view on acting is as Uncle Ho once said: “Culture and arts are also a front, artists are soldiers on that front, the ideological front.”

Artists stand on stage like kings and queens, bringing themselves a dignified style because they are public figures. So I’m very proud of this profession, as long as I’m healthy I can still act.

Listen to Quang Teo: There's a 25 day window to cancel the show-Hinh-3
The artist does not share pictures of his wife on his personal page. He is proud that his wife is the one who takes care of everything so he can “plow” with peace of mind.

– An artist who runs a lot of provincial shows like you must have many memorable memories, especially performing on Tet?

More than 10 years ago, I ran a show on the 30th of Tet in Ha Long with my close friend Giang Coi. Initially, I planned not to go and stay home to celebrate New Year’s Eve with my wife and children. The organizing committee set a salary price of 10 million VND. Thinking that people usually work 2-3 months to earn that amount of money, while I only need 1 show, so I agreed. At the end of the show, Giang Coi and I looked for the show hostess to receive money and discovered that this person had run away.

On New Year’s Eve, it was cold and drizzling. The two wandered around the corners of the Hon Gai area – where the event was held – looking for someone but couldn’t find them. Finally, I went to the ward police to report the incident. The staff here sympathized and invited them to eat banh chung to warm their stomachs. At 5:30 a.m. on the 1st, I took a bus and arrived home in Hanoi around noon.

At the end of the year, artists often accept invitations to participate in year-end and summary events. Many times, I was performing on stage, with the audience eating, drinking, cheering, and no one watching. At first I felt sorry for myself and felt insulted. Gradually, I learned from experience and discussed with the organizers so that the artists could finish performing before starting the party. Thus, the audience can enjoy art and the artist is also appreciated.

When performing in the countryside, beloved audiences kept asking to take photos. Some people even came to eat rice and drink wine, but I refused them to bring chicken, pipe tobacco, etc. as offerings.

Listen to Quang Teo: There's a 25 day window to cancel the show-Hinh-4

When Tet comes, everyone turns on the TV and sees the face of artist Quang Teo.

– In your free time, when you don’t have to run shows, what do you usually do?

On days without a work schedule, I spend most of my time at home, watching TV and updating the news. I can sit all day with a pot of tea and look at the trees. My wife and children see me traveling all the time. It’s strange when I get a day off. I had to ask permission to stay home (laughs).

– Having too little time for family, your wife and children are at a disadvantage?

My husband and I have clear views, she does housework, housework, cooking, taking care of the children’s food, studying, domestic and foreign affairs. I go to work and take care of family life. After nearly 40 years of working as an artist, my wife has been a solid support system for me to “plow” with peace of mind.

Listen to Quang Teo: There's a 25 day window to cancel the show-Hinh-5

Quang Teo with his wife and children.

After 12 years of living together without children, we maintained our relationship until we had children, and our relationship became better and stronger. By all means, we must keep the house warm, the wife will take care of the children so that the husband can feel secure when going to work.

Saying this is enough to show my moral steadfastness. My profession is one where there are many temptations around, many beautiful women. I live in such an environment but still maintain myself. Of course, my wife and children are a bit disadvantaged because I often work constantly, but we all have to share with each other to be strong.

I’m happy because I can perform until the 30th day of Tet, when I get home everything is complete, I just have to dress up the next day to wish my family and friends a Happy New Year.

Quang Teo in ‘Barefoot Giants’:

Quang Teo, real name Nguyen Tien Quang, was born in 1962 in Hanoi. He graduated from the Cheo Department, Military College of Culture and Arts (now Military College of Culture and Arts). The artist began his career performing in Cheo, then moved to the Military Drama Theater in 1986.

Quang Teo is most famous for his comedy, playing farmer roles on stage and screen. He used to be a pair with artist Giang Coi, creating many skits that were loved by the audience. In 2012, Quang Teo was awarded the title of Meritorious Artist.

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