There was nothing in common, just one thing

by time news

2023-08-27 08:02:47

Browns and whites; there were men and women. Rich and poor, indigenous and ladinos. They looked at each other at merchants, formal and informal, professionals, students; literate and illiterate. There was everything among those of us who were there. Very young. But not only them. The ages were all represented. In particular, I was moved by a septuagenarian lady who, from the immobility of her chair, among the jumping crowd, raised her arms as high as she could, to the sound of the rhythmic drums that made us rock. She happily gibbered. There were probably members of the Seed Movement and those who had supported them for a long time. Among so many, a group whom my son spotted. Friends of the Landivarian student group, which promotes civic positions among youth. “Dad,” she told me, “I’ll be back now.” I followed with my eyes how he filtered through the tumult until he finally reached them. They almost fall to the ground in a frenzy hug. An ecstasy that politics rarely motivates. But, I would think that the vast majority present were not faithful followers. Plus, the people, in a splendid party, authentic people and spontaneous celebration of the first glimpse of hope of something that it represents.

Reversing the state of corruption is the claim that he unified to bring Arévalo to the presidency.

Peter Paul Solares

On the night of August 20, when the panorama of the election cleared up, marking an overwhelming victory for the Arévalo-Herrera binomial, we decided to go and spread a little enthusiasm, wherever the victors had organized. But we found that there was no formal or official celebration. Suddenly, videos began to appear showing that people, thirsty for celebration, by sheer impetus or impulse, took their way towards the Plaza del Obelisco. Getting there was difficult for us, due to the great traffic that all the cars formed looking for the same place. Flags hung from the windows that were lowered. We all saw each other’s faces. The horns sounded, as if responding to each other. The people did not know each other, but there were plenty of smiles in complicity. Even the cars gave way! I do not intend to exaggerate the environment, or make propaganda in favor of something that I do not belong to. This that I write is what was seen.

And already being there, especially when I noticed how heterogeneous that cheering mass was, I remembered the great revolution, that of 1944, and how they say that this was not only an uprising of the most popular strata, as has sometimes been said. to portray. Rather, a transversal consensus through a multitude of citizen strata, all united against a common enemy, whose infinite pettiness raised the repudiation to the height of generalized boredom. Then, in that distant past, against a despotic tyranny that had mercilessly shackled the country. And today, against the apparatus installed for shameless robbery and the taking over of the institutional framework, to plunder and fleece everything that comes within its greedy reach. In both cases, a modest people, we could say, has taken too long to react properly. In other parts of the world, this excess of patience would have lasted much less.

There are many pending legitimate claims that were never attended to by those who settle to take advantage of the state of things. And one would like more democratic rulers to attend to them with the urgency they demand. But I don’t think I’m wrong in assuring that beginning to reverse the state of corruption is the claim that unified society to bring Arévalo to the presidency. That was the great reason that led so many people, so diverse, to form a representative and heterogeneous mass last Sunday in the Plaza del Obelisco. An uprising that, like the party that promoted it, was born from that April 16, 2015, when senior officials were linked in the accusation of the La Línea case. Perhaps, after the demise of CICIG and the disappointing elections in 2015 and 2019, hope fell. But surely he did not die. You had to be there to feel how much fervor there was at the Obelisk. To see how diverse the crowd was, and to note that they all had nothing in common, more than just this one thing: It’s the call to start reducing corruption. Decent people who don’t feed her and face her. What a task ahead of you, President-elect Arévalo.


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