“There will be more peace in the world after Russia’s victory in Ukraine”

by time news

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The President of Syria recognized as “Russian territories” the four Ukrainian regions annexed in September last year and said that there will be more peace in the world after Russia’s victory in Ukraine. Bashar Al-Assad met this Wednesday, March 15, with his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, in Moscow.

During an interview with an official Russian communication organ, the President of Syria recognized as “Russian territories” the four Ukrainian regions – Lugansk, Donetsk, Kherson and Zaporizhia – annexed in September last year, after the referendums rejected by the West.

Bashar Al-Assad also said that there will be more peace and security in the world after Russia’s victory in Ukraine.

“This conflict will start to change the world balance, as part of what Syria, Iraq and many other countries have suffered is a result of a unipolar world. When Russia wins this war, as most Syrians want, a new world will emerge. , safer and more peaceful”he said.

President Bashar Al-Assad also took the opportunity to state that there are no official Syrian fighters fighting alongside Russia in the Ukraine war, admitting that there may be unofficially.

The Syrian leader, Bashar Al-Assad, met yesterday, March 15, in Moscow, as Russian President, Vladimir Putin. According to the Kremlin statement, the two political leaders addressed topical issues, namely bilateral cooperation in the political, economic, commercial and humanitarian spheres.

Vladimir Putin and Bashar Al-Assad also spoke about the reconstruction of Syria, the re-establishment of relations between Damascus and Turkey, Russia’s ally, and help for the victims of the earthquake that shook Syria in early February.

Since the start of Syria’s civil war in 2011, Moscow has militarily supported Bashar Al-Assad’s forces against the rebels. In return, Damascus now supports Russia in the face of widespread international condemnation of the invasion of Ukraine.

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