“There will be tough choices to be made,” warned the new Minister of Finance

by time news

2024-09-22 17:23:52

A small review of tomorrow’s energy transfer

  • At 9 am: Correspondence between Eric Dupond-Moretti and Didier Migaud, at the Ministry of Justice, according to Global.
  • At 10:30 am: Correspondence between Stéphane Séjourné and Jean-Noël Barrot, at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, according to Global.
  • Also at 10:30 am: Handover between Gérald Darmanin and Bruno Retailleau, at the Ministry of the Interior.
  • At 11 am: Meeting between Sylvie Retailleau and Patrick Hetzel, at the Ministry of Education and Research.
  • Also at 11 am: Handover between Nicole Belloubet and Anne Genetet, at the Ministry of National Education.
  • At 12 pm: Manipulation between Prisca Thevenot and Maud Brégeon as spokesperson, according to Franceinfo.

“There will be tough choices to be made,” warned the new Minister of Finance

The new Minister of Finance, Laurent Saint-Martin, announced on Sunday during the renewal with his predecessor Thomas Cazenave in Bercy, that there will be “strong choices to make” for the restoration of public finances, which will suggest “in coming soon. day in Parliament.

Controversy of the day: the world of weakness, the world of “segregation”, according to the new Minister of Unity

Paul Christophe, the new Minister of unity, who does not have “disabled” in the title of his document, tries to convince the stakeholders in the sector that he considers himself as a minister with medical treatment, which he calls this “world” of “separate” world”. An appeal which does not attempt to provoke a response.

I agree

I agree

I agree

“Our job is to make things easier for businesses and those who work there,” said the new Minister of Economy.

The above references are not exhaustive

“We share the taste for altitude and the tranquility of those who walk in the mountains,” answered Antoine Armand, the new Minister of Economy, the youngest in the history of the Fifth Republic, to his predecessor.

Bruno Le Maire offers a Basque walking stick to Antoine Armand

The outgoing minister who calls himself “the adopted Basque” offers the walking stick representing the Basque Country to his successor in Bercy, Antoine Armand. A stick “which can be used as a defensive weapon”. Good wind.

“The Savoyards are fashionable”, laughs Le Maire as he empowers Antoine Armand, a Haut-Savoyard

Bruno Le Maire recalls that he does not want “no tax increase”, “an easy solution”

“You will not find in my boxes a miracle recipe for restoring public accounts,” assured Bruno Le Maire, before recalling that he was against any tax increase, “a simple solution,” according to him.

It’s the beginning of the catch in Bercy!

Bruno Le Maire, the outgoing Minister of Economy and Finance, thanked his colleagues.

SOS homophobia asks Michel Barnier for “clarifications”

In one area, the group fighting homophobia “asked the Prime Minister to provide important information on the government’s position related to equal rights for LGBTI people”.

“Against equal marriage, the opening of the PMA to gay couples, the ban on conversion therapy, the legalization of abortion or the rights of trans people … And sometimes against all this at the same time”, SOS Homophobia Association said your reflection. “Deeply angry” on Sunday over the discovery of the names of some ministers.

The very sensitive files of François-Noël Buffet, the new Minister of Overseas Territories

Strongly criticized for his opposition to marriage for all and PMA for all, François-Noël Buffet took back from overseas a very sensitive portfolio full of emergencies.

Didier Migaud is “no longer a leftist” according to Hollande

Only coming from the left, while Emmanuel Macron guarantees a government of “unity”: Didier Migaud, who inherited the Ministry of Justice. “He is no longer a person who can be considered left-wing,” said François Hollande on France Bleu Limousin. Didier Migaud, a former socialist MP, left active politics in 2010.

In case you haven’t noticed: A Secretary of State for Artificial Intelligence

Clara Chappaz, 35-year-old entrepreneur and former director of the French Tech industry, will take care of both Digital and… Artificial Intelligence. A first.

Who are the ministers who voted against legal abortion?

Eric Ciotti announces “I’m leaving LR”.

After having said “yes” to the RN, having received protection in the company of the Republicans and then launching the Union of Rights for the Republic (UDR), Eric Ciotti announced Le Figaro who abandons the president of the Republican movement. “I noticed the release of the Republican staff in Macronie. This government is not a government of coexistence. It is a Macronist government, with few LRs as sponsors and alibis. »

A “conservative, Catholic branch” that is doing well

For the political scientist Vincent Martigny, within the LR, it is the “Conservative, Catholic sector […] who is doing well It is surprising […] it is the one that is most important to consider. “

An erasure of civil society in the Barnier government

Only three ministers have never been elected, or 8% of the government. This is the lowest percentage of Macron’s term, which started with more than 40% of ministers from “civil society”. Their destruction had begun with the reign of Attal.

One of the oldest governments under Macron

The new government is the second longest government of the Macron era (51.9 years in total, not including the Prime Minister), after the first government of Edouard Philippe, which was the only government-in-waiting of 22 ministers before the 2017 legislative elections.

Tourism professionals welcome the return of a ministry dedicated to the sector

There is no ministry (or secretary of state) dedicated to disability, but a single ministry dedicated entirely to… travel. Participant players welcomed the appointment of Marina Ferrari, already asking to “make a producer” on the Olympic role to increase tourist income, but also wary of possible new taxes or budget cuts.

We summarize the transfers of power from different companies

  • In Bercy, the dedication ceremony will take place this Sunday, at 6:15 pm between Bruno Le Maire and Antoine Armand.
  • Between Eric Dupond-Moretti and Didier Migaud, at the Ministry of Justice: will take place on Monday at 9 am, at the Chancellery, according to Global.
  • At the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, between Stéphane Séjourné and Jean-Noël Barrot, Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs: Monday at 10:30 am at the Quai d’Orsay, according to Global.
  • At the Ministry of the Interior, Monday at 10:30 am, for the deposition between Gérald Darmanin and Bruno Retailleau.
  • It will be held on Monday at 11 am at the Pavillon Boncourt, between Sylvie Retailleau and Patrick Hetzel, for the Ministry of Higher Education and Research.
  • Monday at 11 am, also for the Ministry of National Education between Nicole Belloubet and Anne Genetet, who succeeded her.

#tough #choices #warned #Minister #Finance

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