Thermal colander rents will soon be frozen

by time news

This is the first constraint imposed on landlords in terms of energy renovation. From Wednesday August 24, the rents of the most energy-intensive housing (classified F or G on the energy performance diagnosis) will be frozen. In concrete terms, their owners will no longer be able to increase them, in accordance with the Climate and Resilience Law adopted in August 2021. Even if the increase does not exceed the Rent Reference Index (IRL), in the case of properties located in tight areas (where the demand is stronger than the supply, editor’s note).

The measure concerns empty or furnished accommodation, everywhere in France, as well as leases concluded, renewed and even tacitly renewed from this date. In other words, it will now be impossible to increase the rent between two tenants, when establishing a new lease, to propose a rent increase to the tenant when renewing the contract or to carry out the annual review of the current rent. of lease.

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This measure is only a taste of what awaits landlords next year. After the prohibition to increase the rents of the most energy-intensive housing, that of renting them. From January 1, 2023, the worst thermal colanders (which consume more than 450 kWh per m² and per year) can no longer be rented. About 140,000 G-class homes are affected, according to the government’s latest count (page 15 of the document). These are mainly single-family houses, located in the Paris region and heated by fuel oil.

Forbidden to rent thermal colanders from 2023

The other thermal strainers will follow, according to a schedule already defined by the government. The rest of the thermal strainers classified G will be prohibited from rental from January 1, 2025. Then it will be the turn of the F in 2028 and the E in 2034. In total, 5.2 million main residences (17% of the park housing in France). “With the Climate and Resilience Law, tenants can buy their G-rated accommodation and then do no energy renovation work. On the other hand, the lessor will not be able to keep them as a tenant beyond 2025.“, is surprised Jean-Marc Torrollion, president of the National Federation of real estate (Fnaim).

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Time is running out and two solutions are available to the owners concerned: renovate their home or sell it. It seems that they have rather opted for the second choice. Barely more than 6,300 donors have applied for Ma Prime Rénov’ government aid to start work, according to the latest report from the National Housing Agency, which is piloting the scheme. On the contrary, real estate agencies are seeing an influx of thermal sieves put up for sale. For the president of Fnaim, these massive sales constitute a “real risk“. “Renting your property is an economic act, certainly, but it is socially useful”.

SEE ALSO – Strainer housing: Greenpeace renames the Ministry of Ecological Transition, “Ministry of Small Gestures”

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