These 3 signs that you should stop drinking coffee (your body will thank you)! 2024-03-20 11:08:40

by time news

Coffee is the most consumed beverage in the world, with more than 2 billion cups drunk every day. In France, 69% of adults drink it daily and 41% even consume it several times a day. If this energy drink is appreciated for its aromas and its stimulating effects, it is not without consequences on our health. Here are 3 signs it might be time to cut down or stop your coffee intake.

1. Disturbed sleep and chronic fatigue

The caffeinethe main active component of coffee, is a stimulant which acts on the central nervous system. It increases alertness and reduces the feeling of fatigue. But consumed in excess or too late in the day, it disrupts the sleep.

Caffeine delays by 40 minutes the release of melatonin, the hormone that regulates our sleep-wake cycle. It also reduces total sleep duration and the time spent in deep, restorative sleep. Result: a fatigue which sets in over time despite the cups of coffee.

Stopping or reducing your consumption allows you to regain quality sleep and recover energy naturally. The benefits start to be felt after 12 hours without caffeine.

2. Repeated digestive problems

Caffeine stimulates the secretion of acid in the stomach and weakens the esophageal sphincter, the muscle that prevents gastric contents from returning to the esophagus. This favors the stomach painsTHE gastric reflux and theindigestion.

Coffee also has an effect laxative by activating contractions of the intestinal muscles. It changes the consistency of stools, especially in cases of heavy consumption, because it reduces water absorption.

Reducing the doses of coffee, or eliminating it completely, helps relieve these digestive disorders. Urgent urges to go to the toilet fade and transit becomes more regular.

3. Anxiety and irritability

More than two cups per day, caffeine can cause anxietyfrom nervousnessof l’agitation and even panic attacks in susceptible people. These effects are not limited to individuals with mental health problems.

Stopping caffeine improvesmood reducing anxiety and irritability. The vicious cycle of insomnia-anxiety is broken, these disorders tending to aggravate each other.

In summary, if you experience these signs of overconsumption, considergradually reduceyour coffee consumption. Replace it with alternatives such as green tea, herbal teas, cocoa or vegetable drinks. Your body will thank you!

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2024-03-20 11:08:40

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