These 4 things can prevent a hangover

by time news

Did you partie all weekend again? Then there is a good chance that you woke up this morning with a hangover. You probably promise yourself over and over again that you will never drink again, but you don’t have to anymore. You can prevent a hangover with these four things!

These 4 things can prevent a hangover

Headaches and nausea all day long. We know it, but by doing these 4 things before going to bed, you can prevent a hangover from now on and get out of bed feeling refreshed in the morning.

1. Avoid fatty foods

After drinking alcohol you are of course very much in the mood for a greasy snack such as döner, pizza and fries. We get itHowever, it is not so wise to opt for such a greasy bite. It is better to eat something that is easily digestible, even though you often feel less in the mood for it. You will really thank yourself the next morning ????

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2. Drink enough water

We all know that it is important to continue to drink good water, but we hardly do that when going out. But it is still wise to drink some water before going to sleep. Another good tip is to put a glass of water next to your bed, so you don’t have to get out of bed in the morning if you want to hydrate and you can still prevent those annoying headaches!

3. Take Multivitamins

Drinking alcohol can deplete your body’s stores of micronutrients, such as zinc, B12, and folate. That is why it is wise to take multivitamins before going to bed. And that’s not the only reason to do this! There are also people who believe that taking multivitamins is a way to restore your body and prevent a hangover. That’s worth a try, right?

4. Fresh Air

And finally, our golden tip to prevent a hangover. Before you go to sleep, it can be very good to go outside for a while. Take a walk and breathe fresh air. You will notice that you immediately feel a lot less drunk and you will not be bothered by a spinning bedroom all night long that causes you to wake up exhausted in the morning. You’re welcome!

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