These Americans who ask for dual citizenship to be able to leave the United States

by time news

It’s a little “a plan B, or a form of parachute”, Explain The Washington Post : more and more descendants of European immigrants in the United States “look to the homeland of their ancestors and try to obtain dual nationality” in case they have to leave the United States.

For the daily newspaper of the American federal capital, things have changed since the time of the waves of immigration from Europe to the United States, “the time of Ellis Island, in New York, and of these verses engraved in the base of the Statue of Liberty : ‘Give me your poor, your exhausted, who in serried ranks yearn to live free’”.

With the new restrictions on the right to abortion and a poisonous political climate, American citizens seem to be taking the opposite route from that which their ancestors have taken, and they are trying to obtain dual citizenship in countries that grant it to direct descendants of their former nationals.

As the American daily points out:

“[Des citoyens] born in the United States whose grandparents and great-grandparents immigrated to the country are p

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