These are some Japanese secrets that will improve your life

by time news

Japan is known as one of the best places to live because the people of Japan understand what the right way of life is and the purpose behind it.

Recently, trainer Tassa Davis shared a post on her Twitter about some Japanese ideas to improve your life. We all live in tough times that completely mess up our work schedules and personal lives. It creates imbalance in life.

So, here are some ideas of Japanese culture that will help you improve your lifestyle.

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Ikigai is the Japanese concept of a cause.

The Japanese concept of ‘ikigai’ means defining and applying your life purpose. In other words, the reason you get up in the morning should be something you are passionate about and feel good about.

Aubaitori: Never compare yourself

The Japanese word ‘Oubaitori’ means never to compare yourself to others. Everyone is different and everyone achieves success in their own time and individual way.

Kaizen: Continuous Improvement

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In Japanese, ‘kaizen’ is a term that means continuous improvement or becoming better. and a personal and business philosophy that seeks to constantly improve efficiency and effectiveness at all levels of operations. It is a method of continuous improvement by making small changes and adopting the process to gradually improve.

Wabi-Sabi: Appreciate imperfection

The Japanese aesthetic of ‘wabi-sabi’ means finding beauty in the unsettled and imperfect. In other words, it is the Zen Buddhist concept of beauty found by appreciating the imperfections in nature, all impermanent.

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Motainai: The idea of ​​no waste

The Japanese word ‘Motainai’ refers to the belief that everything is worthy of respect and gratitude, so it is important not to waste. This concept refers to respecting and recognizing the value of resources, so that the concepts of not wasting them, reducing and recycling are linked to the term by environmentalists.

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