These are the best variable mortgages on the market in November

by time news

The rise in rates that the European Central Bank (BCE) has left a great impact on mortgages, both variable and fixed, triggering the Euribor, the index to which most mortgages in Spain are referenced.

This index has reached percentages that it had not reached since the beginning of February 2009, reaching 2.23% in September. Given this context, it is most likely that there will be a increase in loan installments mortgagewhich although it will be more pronounced in the variable rate mortgagesalthough it will also be noted in the fixed rate mortgages.

These are the best mortgages

For this reason, the Organization of Consumers and Users (OCU) has collected what are the best variable mortgages that you can find in the market during this month, as they are the most affected by the rate hike made by the ECB.

One of the best mortgages highlighted by the OCU is the one offered Evo Banco, with a nominal interest the first year of 0.99 and the revision of the Euribor to 0.60%. To contract this mortgage it is necessary direct payroll y take out home insurance with the entity to enjoy these conditions.

Mortgages. Pixabay.

Another option is the variable mortgage of Kutxabank, which offers a nominal interest the first year of 1.79 and the revision of the Euribor to 0.64%. For this, it is necessary direct payroll for an amount equal to or greater than 3,000 euros per month and, in addition, requires the contracting a home insurance y contributions to pension plans.

Finally, the variable mortgage recommended by the OCU is that of Coinc, with a nominal interest the first year of 1.25 and the revision of the Euribor to 0.75%. For this loan, unlike the previous two, no connection is necessary to enjoy these conditions.

Other variable mortgages with good conditions

ING It also offers a mortgage with good conditions despite the rise in rates. The orange bench offers a Euribor variable mortgage +0.69% (1.50% during the first year) and an APR of 3.45%. To do this, it requires direct payroll and that life and home insurance be contracted.

For its part, Banco Mediolanum offers a TIN of Euribor +0.79% (0.99% during the first year) and an APR of 3.60% on its Freedom Mortgage. To contract this Mediolanum mortgage it is necessary open an account with the entity, direct deposit income equal to or greater than 3,000 euros and take out life insurance.

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