These are the car interior elements that are also reviewed in the ITV

by time news

2023-09-16 08:57:01

The interior of vehicles is key not only from an aesthetic point of view, but also for the safety and comfort of the driver and passengers. Therefore, it must be: comfortable, allowing, in a simple way, total control of the vehicle from the driving position and providing maximum safety for all occupants in the event of a road accident.

This is not always true, according to the checks carried out in the periodic ITV inspections. Precisely the Association AECA-ITV has compiled a series of photographs captured by inspectors from different stations that show some of the defects, serious or very serious, related to the interior fittings with which some vehicles are presented for technical inspection.

According to data provided by the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism and analyzed by the Spanish Association of Collaborating Entities of the Administration in the Technical Inspection of Vehicles AECA-ITV, 3% of the total serious defects detected at the stations Spanish MOT corresponds to the interior conditioning chapter.

Regarding the vehicles that have the most defects in this section, the report shows that buses and coaches occupy first place with 8.3%; They are followed by passenger cars and taxis and ambulances with 3.2% in each case.

Due to their importance in both the safety and comfort of vehicles, in this chapter of the technical inspection the following elements are reviewed:

Seat belts: Despite what it may seem, the belt is not used to prevent passengers from moving in the event of a collision, but rather to cushion their deceleration. The belt, both in the front and rear seats, is the most important element for the passive safety of vehicles because it is the only brake on the body in the event of an impact. According to the National Safety Office (ONS), no system has been discovered more effective than the seat belt, since it reduces the possibility of death by more than 60%.

Based on the above, it can be indicated that it is not only important to wear the seat belt at all times while driving, but that it is in correct condition. Wearing a seat belt in poor condition alters its operation and may not fulfill the purpose for which it was designed.

In the periodic inspections carried out at the ITV stations on each vehicle, the condition of both the belt itself and its anchors and fixings to the vehicle are checked, specifically and in detail.

Airbags: Airbags are “air bags” that remain empty and inflate when a significant impact occurs with the purpose of, together with the seat belt, reducing the energy with which the body of the driver or occupants moves. , that is, “cushion” the body and minimize possible injuries.

These elements are for single use, that is, in the event of a road accident, they pop out, fulfill their function, but must be replaced since there is no possible repair. At the ITV stations, their existence is checked and, furthermore, that no element is seen that could affect their correct operation or any sign that could indicate a failure of these security systems.

Seats: The seat is not limited to a simple surface on which we sit, but it is necessary that those who develop the seat do so thinking about how it will help driving. In addition, it must be assessed how the seat can help in the event of a road accident, since it is also an element of passive safety in the vehicle. The seats are the elements responsible, together with the seat belt and the airbag, for keeping the occupants’ body fixed and for absorbing and transmitting a large part of the impact energy through their anchors.

In periodic inspections, regarding the seats, it is checked that both the seat itself and the anchors or fixings of the seat to the vehicle are in correct condition.

Dashboard and interior trim: In general, within the vehicle’s cabin, or failing that in the driving position, there should be no sharp edges or rigid or pointed parts that present danger to its occupants. The elements located in said compartment will be well secured and will not present a risk of detachment.

#car #interior #elements #reviewed #ITV

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