these are the causes, symptoms, consequences and solutions

by time news

There is a good chance that you have already heard it in your environment: the kidney pelvic infection. Have you never dealt with it yourself? Then it is extra important that you keep an eye on any symptoms (and immediately ring the bell if you notice them). Some complaints resemble those of a – relatively harmless – bladder infection, others clearly indicate a kidney infection. And the latter can cause a lot of problems.

What is the cause of a kidney infection?

The name already suggests it, doesn’t it? If you suffer from pelvic inflammatory disease, your renal pelvis is inflamed – one or even both kidneys. Bacteria are the culprit. They enter your bladder through your urethra, from where they make their way through the ureters to your renal pelvis and kidneys. If they get stuck there, they can cause inflammation.

Can you prevent a kidney infection?

Let’s put it this way: it helps if you drink enough water. If your bladder is filled and emptied regularly, the aforementioned bacteria will be flushed away by itself. This way they don’t get a chance to attach themselves to your bladder wall and start to fester there. And if they don’t do it there, they don’t do it in a more annoying place, like your renal pelvis.

What are the symptoms of a kidney infection?

Because renal pelvic and bladder infections have some overlap in terms of symptoms, we first treat the complaints that indicate the most harmless: the bladder infection. You may experience a burning sensation while urinating (which you probably also have to do very often). Pay attention to the clarity and odor of your urine. Is it cloudy and/or does it smell different than usual? Red flag! Furthermore, a bladder infection is often accompanied by pain in your back or lower abdomen. Specifically, a kidney infection is accompanied by some other symptoms, such as nausea, confusion, chills and high fever.

Is a kidney infection dangerous?

It could be, if you don’t treat your kidney infection. Your kidneys can suffer permanent damage. The infection can also spread to your bloodstream, making it potentially life-threatening. In the worst case, a severely damaged kidney must be removed. But then you’re really unlucky.

What treatment does kidney pelvic inflammatory disease require?

The first step is to call your doctor and hand in a jar of (morning) urine so it can be examined in a lab. You usually have the results within a day. Does everything point to a kidney infection? Then there will be another examination and your urine will be cultured. From this it can be deduced which bacteria throw a spanner in the works and which antibiotics can make short work of it. The results of the culture can take a little longer: about a week. With a course you should be rid of your inflammation within five to seven days.


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