These are the countries that have already banned it

by time news

2023-04-27 20:04:14

German authorities have announced that they will investigate the data protection policy on the popular language model ChatGPT. The investigation stems from concerns that the artificial intelligence (AI)-based platform may be violating privacy laws by collecting personal information without user consent.

With this measure, the Teutonic country joins Spain and will investigate the use that OpenAI (company responsible for the model) makes of user data. It should be noted that, on March 29, it was the Elon Musk accompanied by other experts who requested to pause the development of the AI ​​until no more research has been done on it.

For now, the aforementioned countries are the only ones in Europe to investigate the company led by Sam Altman. Everything seems to indicate that France and Ireland will follow the same path and, in fact, the French National Commission for Informatics and Liberties announced that it is investigating various complaints about ChatGPT. But what other countries are investigating, or have outright banned the popular tool?


The Italian republic was the first and only EU country to ban ChatGPT. In the official statement issued last March, the Italian guarantor stated that it had detected that “no information is provided to the users, nor to the interested parties whose data has been collected by OpenAI.”

The Italian prime minister, Giorgia Meloni


He also alluded, in the same way, to the absence of a legal basis regarding the collection of personal data and its processing for the purpose of training the algorithms that allow ChatGPT to work.

The Italian ban also came a few days after Musk’s aforementioned request. A warning that was seen by many as an attempt to stop the unstoppable advance of OpenAI by other companies that had been ‘left out’ of the market; but many others took it as an idea to consider.


Despite the fact that the internet in Russia was not completely free before the invasion of Ukraine -LinkedIn, for example, was prohibited-, state censorship It intensified with the war. Since then, the Slavic country’s 122 million internet users have not had access to most Western portals, such as ChatGPT.

Giga Chat, the new Russian AI tool


Anyway, this last week Russia has announced the launch of its own tool with artificial intelligence called GigaChat. Said ‘chatbot’ is developed by the country’s largest bank, Sberbank, and offers its service only in Russian.


Beijing’s internet censorship policy has been in place since virtually its inception. The population of the Asian giant has restricted access to the vast majority of Western websites and social networks and enjoy, yes, a huge ‘intranet’ made up of its own ecosystem with all kinds of exclusive platforms for the communist country.

North Korea, Iran, Belarus and Venezuela

The North Korean case is similar to the Chinese one but raised to the nth degree. There is no free navigation in communist Korea and despite the fact that the population has access to a sort of national intranet, it is very precarious and limited.

Belarus, Iran and Venezuela, for their part, have a situation similar to that of Russia. Declared enemies of the United States, the population of these countries lives with relative access to the Internet but with their backs turned to any social network or web page of Yankee origin.

#countries #banned

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