These are the countries you can travel to • List

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The Ministry of Health updates that starting tonight (Tuesday-Wednesday) at midnight, a number of new guidelines regarding travel and return from abroad will enter into force.

Vaccinated or recovering (as defined by the Ministry of Health), returnees from orange countries will undergo a PCR test at Ben Gurion Airport and enter isolation for 24 hours – or until a negative result is obtained (whichever is earlier).

Vaccinated / recovering people who have already returned to Israel from an orange country and received a negative result from the PCR test they performed at the entrance to Israel, will finish the isolation at midnight and are not required to perform a second test (unlike today).

Non-vaccinated and non-recovering (as defined by the Ministry of Health) returning from orange countries, will enter home isolation for 14 days, with the possibility of shortening isolation with a negative result in a pcr test performed from the 7th day of landing in Israel (landing day is the first day).

Foreign entry

The Prime Minister and the Ministers of Foreign Affairs, Health, Home Affairs, Tourism and Transport agreed that as of this coming Sunday, vaccinated or recovering foreigners will be allowed (according to the Ministry of Health) from orange countries – subject to filling out an online form in advance, performing a PCR or antigen before boarding. Performing a PCR test at the entrance to Israel followed by entering isolation for 24 hours or receiving a negative answer in the test (whichever is earlier).

Immunized or non-recovering foreigners (as defined by the Ministry of Health) will not be allowed to enter Israel. Foreigners from red countries, except those whose entry has been approved by the Exceptions Committee, will not be allowed to enter Israel.

This is what Ben Gurion Airport looked like two weeks ago (elegant abroad)

The land states

By decision of the Ministry of Health the following countries will be removed from the list of red states;

South Africa







The countries remaining at this stage in the list of red states, are;

United Arab Emirates



United Kingdom (England)





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