These are the four elements you cannot live without (all linked to oil)

by time news

2023-10-06 02:35:06

It has been more than 50 years since the publication by the Club of Rome of the report by Dennis and Donella Meadows entitled “The limits to growth”, which warned about the collapse that Humanity would face if the exponential rate continued. in the excessive consumption of resources according to growth projections. From this apocalyptic work comes the entire eco ideology, more concerned with establishing socialism than with mitigating the polluting footprint that each of us leaves behind.

However, despite Meadows’s misguided predictions, since the 1970s the population has more than doubled, going from 3.6 billion to exceeding 8 billion, managing to reduce extreme poverty from 36% of the global population to 10%. . According to Meadows’ initial projections, the world would run out of aluminum, copper, gold, lead, mercury, gas, oil, silver, tin and zinc, among other crucial raw materials at the time, before 2012, causing an industrial collapse. Nothing further.

You have to listen to the experts from Earth. Geologists insist that there is no shortage of raw materials, but there is a total abandonment by the West, particularly Europe, of the search for resources to guarantee industrial supplies. The engineer and scientist Vaclav Smil determined in his recent work “How the World Really Works” the four pillars of current civilization, all linked to oil: cement, steel, plastics and ammonia, the basis of all nitrogen fertilizers. , without which it would be impossible to feed almost half of the world’s population.

China has been monopolizing control in the processing of global raw materials for years. If you don’t have them, you buy the production. The best example is lithium: Australia has 53% of the extraction, but 90% of the production goes to China.

Europe needs to open mines by leaps and bounds so as not to miss the train of a transition that, contrary to what European politicians anchored in Meadows’ paradigms are selling, is not climatic but technological. Think about it for a second, could you live without television, cell phone or car. Without traveling, without home or without food? Europe cannot import everything or depend 90% on China. It’s time to take off the masks. We need industry.

#elements #live #linked #oil

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