These are the jobs that can disappear due to artificial intelligence

by time news

The development of artificial intelligence is now in full swing. Companies in the technology sector around the world are investing in AI and reorganizing their work systems with a view to a not so distant future in which it will gain ground even among humans.

AI is the ability of a machine to present the same capacities as human beings, such as reasoning, learning, creativity and the ability to plan, for which reason studies and predictions are being carried out that place a series of animals under threat. professions for the future.

researchers of the Universities of New York, Princeton and Pennsylvania have recently published a study that analyzes various job sectors and their chances of being replaced by AIs in the future.

Specifically, they have raised how various language AI models such as ChatGPT will be able to fulfill functions that are currently performed by people.

«By estimating which occupational descriptions had changed the most due to advances in AI between the years 2010 and 2015, the idea was to map 10 areas in which AI was advancing (image recognition, speech recognition, language modeling, abstract strategy games). , etc.) to 52 skills used in jobs», says Rob Seamans, one of the researchers at New York University, in a Twitter thread in which he presents the study.

What professions will be most affected?

“The main occupations exposed to language modeling include telemarketers and a variety of post-secondary teachers such as English language and literature, foreign language and literature, as well as history teachers,” explains Seamans.

In the specific case of teaching, it is considered that AIs can perfectly assign jobs, detect cheating in exams or develop teaching materials.

The study also reflects some of the industries that are most threatened by the advance of Artificial Intelligence based on language models.

  • Legal services (attorneys)

  • Insurance and other financial contracts

  • Employee Benefit Funds

  • Non-depository credit intermediation

The study can be consulted at this link and it analyzes in more depth the changes that AI can introduce in those professions that are most vulnerable to being integrated by this type of technology.

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