These are the keys to identifying a healthy dessert

by time news

If you are a regular at eating desserts or sweets, and are always looking for nutritious and satisfying alternatives, we leave all keys to recognize a healthy dessert.

Healthy desserts: so you can identify them

Not all the sweet dishes or preparations that we consume as a dessert They are truly harmful to the body, but depending on their components and their impact on our body, there may be truly healthy options.

To identify those healthy desserts we leave the following keys:

  • Does not have packaging or label In other words, it is not an industrially produced product with a variety of additives, flavorings, sugars, fats and other low-quality ingredients, but rather a handmade or homemade dish.
  • Contains proteins that provide satiety These may be derived from some dairy, egg or egg white, or from nuts and seeds that offer vegetable proteins.
  • Add fruits or vegetables which are sources of vitamins, minerals and fiber that provide satiety, without providing a large amount of calories.
  • Demand chewing, that is to say, it is not a food that is ingested quickly and that does not require much effort to be eaten, but requires chewing and therefore satisfies easily.
  • It has little or no free or added sugar content This can be identified by a slight sweet taste on our palate.

These are the keys that will help you identify a healthy dessert or a recipe for a nutritious and satisfying sweet dish, which can take place in our usual diet.

In vitónica | 41 fitness desserts, satiating and sugar-free, to end the meal on a high

Image | DAP

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