“These are the last days”, says author when pointing out the advance of the rebellion

by time news

Throughout the history of the Christian Church, Christians have always been aware that they are living in the last days of their generation. In the current context, however, this expectation that points to the second coming of Jesus Christ is based on increasingly concrete signs that point to the present, and no longer to the future.

That’s what Christian author Charles Gardner believes. This means that, in practice, we have already experienced the last days that other generations believed would only come in the future. That is, we are the generation whose signs clearly announce the imminent return of Jesus.

“Bad news comes first, then good news, which is why the Lord told us to look up when we see these shocking events, as it means our redemption is at hand,” states the author of the books. Israel the Chosen e Peace In Jerusalem.

Citing the passage of 2 Thessalonians 2:3, which deals with the Antichrist, the Christian author recalls that the “rebellion”, in this case the subversion of the established order and the implantation of social chaos, is the strongest sign about the prophetic last days.

“And isn’t that what we are seeing these days?”, asks the author, remembering that in various parts of the world there is an increasing number of protests and incidents contrary to the social order.

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According to Gardner, the time of Christ was no different. “I remember the turmoil in ancient Ephesus caused by Paul’s preaching, accused of undermining the dark business of idol worship. Business leaders complained about him saying, ‘Gods made by human hands are not gods at all,’” he said, according to God Reports.

“The left sets the agenda for an ungodly age of idol worship,” says Gardner. “We are heading for disaster. These are the last days.”

Fortunately, the end of this chaos situation will be the victory of Jesus Christ over the enemies of God and Christians.

“Satan has gone completely mad, like a wounded snake struggling desperately to spread its venom before receiving the fatal blow with the glorious return of the Lord, who will ceremoniously crush its head”, concludes the author.

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