These are the main causes of childhood migraines

by time news

2023-09-30 20:00:32

10% of children who go to daycare and up to 50% of those who go to secondary education suffer or have suffered the effects of migraines. Below we are going to tell you more about this childhood ailment.

What are childhood migraines?

They can be defined as a type of headache that can be intense and cause disability. Its origin is multifactorial and is usually hereditary. Those who suffer from migraines usually have a family history with the same problem. In the case of childhood migraine, recognizing the symptoms early will help mitigate the child’s pain.

How they manifest

Headaches manifest mainly in the upper part and on both sides of the head. It is also common for children who suffer from migraines to also suffer from dizziness, vomiting, nausea and/or stomach pain. Likewise, it is usually accompanied by hypersensitivity to light, noise and odors. The duration is very relative and can be just a few minutes, hours or entire days in the most extreme cases.

Causes of childhood migraines

Migraine is a neurological disorder that occurs outside the skull. The muscles that cover the head become inflamed, constricting the blood vessels that reach the brain. This, therefore, receives less blood and less oxygen and this affects the circulating nerves that send pain messages to the brain. This is what causes migraines.

Some of the main situations that can trigger this disorder are the following:

Stress or anxiety. Excessive consumption of caffeinated soft drinks. Lack of sleep and tiredness. Abusive use of screens. Vision problems. Dehydration. Loud noises and odors that are too intense. Side effects of some medication.

How to treat them

In most cases, it is enough to let the child rest for a few minutes, in a dark, cool and quiet place. Applying a room temperature compress to the forehead or above the eyes is often helpful. If you have to resort to drugs, the doctor cannot prescribe:

Medications to reduce vomiting or nausea Sedatives that depress the Central Nervous System (CNS). Pediatric analgesics.
#main #childhood #migraines

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