These are the main challenges of kidney diseases

by time news
  • Mortality from kidney diseases continues to rise and, according to the World Kidney Day organization, it is estimated that it will be the fifth leading cause of death by the year 2040.
  • In Mexico, at least 11% of the Mexican population suffers from some type of kidney disease.
  • World Kidney Day is commemorated on the second Thursday of March.

Since 2006, the second Thursday of March has been designated as World Kidney Day. It is an anniversary established by the International Society of Nephrology (ISN) and the International Federation of Renal Foundations (IFKF), which is joined by authorities and Non-Governmental Organizations from around the world. The goal is to prevent kidney diseases that affect the population.

According to specialists, some of the factors that can increase the risk of suffering Chronic Kidney Disease are the diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, smoking and obesity.

With this in mind, Mexico is one of the most affected countries in the world because it appears among the first places worldwide in all the mentioned items. Currently, there are crises caused by the high incidence of obesity and hypertension.

Effects on physical and mental health

Renal failure involves many aspects to consider. It requires comprehensive care, not only medical but also psychological. It also brings with it important lifestyle changes for those who suffer from it and also for those people in the environment of a patient with kidney failure.

emotions like sadness, confusion, anxiety, fear, anger, among others, are quite common in those who live with and struggle with the disease on a daily basis. For this reason it is very important that the emotions and the physical health of the patient are connected. This will allow you to have a healthy emotional life which in turn will help you live longer and feel better.

Studies carried out in Mexico estimate a prevalence of kidney disease of 12.2 percent and a rate of 51 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants. Although it is true that living with only one kidney requires greater care, precautions, and some lifestyle adjustments, it is important to mention that, thanks to this, people in this situation can maintain a normal life and even in most cases can be prevented, as they are the consequence of chronic conditions such as hypertension and diabetes, which, when poorly controlled, can lead to kidney disease.

As with most diseases, The fundamental pillar in your care is prevention. It not only generates benefits for the health of the patient but also for the hospital infrastructure. Everything stems from the fact that no health system in the world has the financial capacity and resources to treat this condition in its terminal stages.

The role of prevention in kidney diseases

For this and many other reasons, it is critical to implement a national strategy to deal with the increasing incidence of cases of the chronic kidney disease. It must be focused on awareness, prevention and the adequate and timely identification of the characteristics of the disease.

For this, it is crucial to raise awareness about the importance of adopt healthy lifestyles. Simple water consumption, exercise, avoiding overweight and obesity are some simple measures that should become a habit in the population because they will significantly reduce the incidence of this condition.

And last and not least, Health professionals must have clinical and technological tools for their timely detection in early stages.

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