These are the main measures included in the Government’s new anti-crisis package

by time news

2023-12-27 21:34:56

The Council of Ministers has approved the umpteenth edition of the anti-crisis plan. These are some of the main measures included in that package as well as other key points for the start of 2024:

Free travel is maintained throughout 2024 for frequent users of Cercanías, Rodalies, Media Distancia and state bus lines, as well as the discount on Avant. The Government has left out free public transport for young people and the unemployed. The State’s contribution to the Autonomous Communities of 30% of the urban and interurban ticket rate also continues, as long as the autonomous communities contribute at least 20% to achieve a minimum discount. 50%.The VAT on electricity will go from the 5% it is now to 10% throughout 2024.The Special Electricity Tax, which was previously 5.1% and is currently at 0.5% , the minimum allowed by community regulations, will be 2.5% during the first quarter of 2024, and 3.8% during the second. The Tax on the Value of Electrical Energy Production, suspended in these moments and which was originally 7%, will have a rate of 3.5% until March, moving to 5.25% until June. The VAT on natural gas, for its part, will be 10% in the first three months 2024, to later return to 21%. The maximum discount of the social bonus for vulnerable families is also extended. Extension of deadlines for renewable projects The deadline to obtain administrative authorization for the construction of renewable projects is increased to 49 months, six more than what is established.Project promoters may extend the period to obtain administrative authorization for exploitation from five to a maximum of eight years and the maximum total processing period for offshore wind farms and hydroelectric pumping becomes nine years. .Support measures for the industry are extended: reduction to 80% of electricity tolls for the electro-intensive industry and flexibility in the change of electricity supply contracts.Taxes on banking, energy and large fortunes continueThey are extended for one more year (year 2024 to be settled in 2025) the temporary taxes on banks and energy companies, as a preliminary step to the committed review of both figures so that they are permanent. During the year of extension of the tax on energy companies, strategic investments linked to industrial projects and decarbonization. The solidarity tax on large fortunes is extended for another year, the permanence of which is linked to the reform of regional financing. VAT is maintained at 0% for basic foods (bread, flour, milk, cheese, eggs, fruits, vegetables, vegetables, legumes, tubers and cereals) and 5% for pasta and oils during the first semester. The prohibition on dismissals for objective reasons is maintained for six more months due to the increase in energy costs for those companies that benefit from direct aid. It is also extends the suspension throughout 2024 of evictions and releases for vulnerable households without a housing alternative. The suspension of all early repayment commissions for variable rate mortgage loans and the conversion to a fixed rate is extended throughout the year and the free rate is extended to conversions from variable to mixed rates. Once this measure ends, the permanent ceiling of 0.05% that limits the commissions applicable to changes from variable to fixed rate mortgages will be extended, so that they also include changes to mortgages at mixed rates. mixed.In the field of energy efficiency, personal income tax deductions are extended for the rehabilitation of homes.The self-employed will continue to have a reduction in their modules in personal income tax and VAT.Creation of a line of state guarantees of 2,000 million to increase the housing stock for social rent or at an affordable price, as well as to improve the existing one. According to Government calculations, this will allow the construction of more than 40,000 public and private homes for affordable rental. Other measures for 2024: pensions, SMI, relief contract The rule that includes a 3.8% increase in pensions has been approved contributory contributions on a general basis. The extension until December 31, 2024 of partial retirement with a replacement contract in the manufacturing industry is also included. The current minimum interprofessional salary (SMI) is extended at 1,080 euros per month, pending that the Government reaches an agreement with the social agents to increase it. The transfer of the management of the minimum vital income is allowed for the autonomies that request it. The income threshold is raised to be able to access the code of good practices for debtors at risk of vulnerability and which becomes 4.5 times the IPREM, which means that households with an annual income of up to approximately 38,000 euros will be able to access it. Commissions for cash withdrawals at the counter are eliminated for people over 65 years of age and disabled people.
#main #measures #included #Governments #anticrisis #package

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