These are the main symptoms of liver cancer

by time news

Primary liver cancer is a disease in which malignant (cancer) cells form in the tissues of the liver. They are diagnosed annually in Spain 6,499 new cases and 850,000 cases worldwide, being the sixth most common cancer.

The hepatocellular carcinoma and cancer of the bile ducts (colangiocarcinoma) are the main types of primary liver cancer in adults.

Most primary liver cancers in adults are hepatocellular carcinomas, the third leading cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide.

Although this type of tumor can occur in both adults and children, the treatment for the smallest is different. Being of vital importance to be attentive to any symptomatology since, the early detectionincreases the chances of recovery.

Symptoms of liver cancer

Primary liver cancer usually does not cause symptoms in the early stages, and when it does occur, it varies from person to person. However, as the tumor grows, it can cause:

  • Unintentional weight loss.

  • Pain in the upper right part of the abdomen or around the right shoulder blade.

  • loss of appetite

  • Swelling in the abdomen.

  • Feeling of satiety after a small meal.

  • Appearance of a hard lump under the ribs on the right side.

  • tiredness or weakness

  • Nausea or vomiting.

  • Jaundice: yellowing of the skin and the whites of the eyes. Jaundice is caused by high levels of bilirubin, a yellow pigment that results from the breakdown of red blood cells. It is usually processed by the liver and passes through the bile ducts before being excreted. Excess bilirubin can be a sign of liver or bile duct malfunction.

  • Itching – Itchy skin can be caused when excessive levels of bilirubin reach the skin.

  • Itching: This itchy skin can be caused when excessive levels of bilirubin reach the skin.

  • pale stools

  • dark urine

  • Swollen veins in the abdomen.

  • Easier to get sick if you have hepatitis or cirrhosis

Also, certain types of liver cancer produce hormones that can cause:

  • High levels of calcium in the blood which can cause constipation, nausea or confusion.

  • Low blood sugar levels which can make you feel tired or faint.

  • Enlarged breasts or shrinking testicles in men.

  • High red blood cell count which can cause flushing of the face.

Lastly, it is important to note that these symptoms are very common and can be caused by many different conditions. Therefore, suffering from any of these symptoms does not mean that we are suffering from liver cancer. But it is important to consult with a doctor to get rid of doubts, since early detection increases the chances of treatment and recovery.

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