These are the new radars that monitor our roads

by time news

2023-09-29 12:00:02

Son More than 1,500 surveillance systems which the General Directorate of Traffic (DGT) has, and which may be deployed on Spanish roads. These are radars, devices and cameras, both fixed and mobile, which have the mission of ensuring that traffic rules are complied with, whether it involves respecting speed limits, the minimum safety distance, traffic lights in red, speedometers that monitor compliance with the contour lines, or even ensuring the use of seat belts or safety measures for children.

Specifically, there are 688 fixed speed control radars, 93 in section –Madrid has one almost 2 kilometers long with 6 control devices–, 545 mobile –which can be carried on ATGC vehicles–, 245 cameras and 15 camouflaged vans to control the use of cell phones and seat belts – they are usually on porches and posts and take up to 50 photographs per second. The DGT also has helicopters and drones for surveillance from the air and unmarked vehicles and motorcycles that will circulate on all types of roads in order to check the correct behavior of drivers while driving. Without forgetting the 60 Velolaser that operate in Spain. This type of radar can detect a speed violation three times per second with a margin of error of 2 kilometers per hour from a distance of 1,500 meters.

But the newest In terms of speedometers that can already be seen for a few weeks on our roads – there are many drivers who still do not know their location and operation – they are the so-called cascade or anti-braking radars, radars for works, and STOP and stop radars. continuous line. In reality, the latter are cameras that monitor speeding vehicles that are about to join a main road. If the cameras detect that the continuous line is not respected, they will sanction the offender with a financial fine of 200 euros, but, in this case, without withdrawal of points.

Another curiosity, although in this specific example It is not a radar itself, are the photo-red traffic lights. And this type of radar does not take into account the speed of the vehicle, but is in operation so that red traffic lights are respected, hence its name. This is a camera that checks which vehicles continue to circulate when they encounter this traffic sign. Jumping a red light carries a 200 euro fine and the loss of 4 points on your driving license.

Anti-braking radars

PF Cascade Radar

Braking before reaching the radar and accelerating again after it is already penalized with the so-called anti-braking or cascade radars. It’s simple: it consists of placing a mobile radar after a fixed one. And if the braking has no justification and puts safety between cars at risk, it is 200 euros and 4 points less on the license.

Radars for works

Works PF

Construction radars are speed surveillance and control systems, specifically designed for areas where construction, repair or maintenance work is carried out on roads and highways. The penalties are the same as for speeding, with fines, retraction of points and even jail.

STOP radars



To prevent drivers from skipping a STOP or not doing it correctly, the DGT has installed cameras that permanently record and send the evidence of the infraction to the Automatic Complaints Handling Center.

Thus, they are exposed to a fine of 200 euros and the withdrawal of 4 points.

#radars #monitor #roads

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