These are the side effects of corticosteroids: watch out for the symptoms

by time news

Los corticosteroids are some of the most widely used medications. Because they serve to relieve many ailments. The most common are inflammatory diseases, but they are also used against arthritis, asthma, and even to treat certain types of cancer. It should be noted that they are very powerful drugs, so they should always be taken under prescription and medical supervision.

And as with all medications, corticosteroids, also called corticosteroids, have side effects, especially if consumed long term. It should be noted that they can be divided into two types: physical and psychological.

Physical effects of corticosteroids

Regarding physiques, weight gain is one of the most obvious signs when you start taking this type of drug. Because when consumed orally, its components cause the body to retain fluids, slow metabolism and increase blood sugar. want to eat. Similarly, corticosteroid treatment can cause intestinal disorders.

If administered through the skin, corticosteroids can produce different types of skin disorders. They occur mainly when applied continuously and, in some cases, cause spots and stretch marks in patients in some areas of the body.

Among the most adverse effects of corticosteroids is the risk of developing diabetes. It is a fairly frequent setback, especially in cases with a family history, and which can lead to hospital admissions.

psychological effects

In addition to the physical consequences, corticosteroids, as they are such forceful medications, have psychological effects, which should not be underestimated, despite the fact that once the treatment is finished these usually disappear.

Sudden mood swings are usually a constant, both when it comes to experiencing a feeling of euphoria and passing to exhaustion and vice versa. In relation to this problem, the harshest treatments can also lead to mild memory leaksas well as confusion and reduced reflexes.

Due to the possibility of these side effects developing, it is advisable not to follow the medication process alone. In the same way, it is preferable not to carry out certain activities such as drive or any that may entail a risk to health.

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