These are the STIs with the greatest presence in Mexico

by time news

2023-12-20 23:44:32

Las ITS (Sexually Transmitted Infections) are a type of infection that is passed from one person to another during unprotected sexual intercourse, whether vaginal, oral or anal, and can cause diseases. Previously, they were known as venereal diseases, which are caused by bacteria, viruses or a parasite.

Human condylomas and genital herpes, among the STIs with the greatest presence

According to health authorities, there are 25 microbes causes of STIs, the most frequent being:

Condylomas accumulated: caused by the Human Papillomavirus or HPV Acquired syphilis: caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidus Gonorrhea: caused by the bacteria gonococcus
Herpes Genital
Chlamydiasis Trichomoniasis

On the part of Mexican companies, a lot can be done against STIs, prevention being the key. To do this, they can promote preventive campaigns in their occupational health schemes, since in the workplace, employers could suffer a reduced productivity as a result of absenteeism from work.

Companies must invest in the development of educational programs

This problem could lead to employee mortality, therefore triggering changes in the requirements for health benefits and situations of esteem or discrimination.

In this sense, it is important that companies consider early investment for the development of Educational programs and prevention campaigns that directly contribute to reducing the spread of STIs among workers, their families and the surrounding communities, including health care within their health programs.

The benefit of timely action means enormous savings, both economically and in human capital. This is preventable, for example, by promoting and developing information campaignsworkshops or periodic check-ups to detect diseases or distribute condoms, simple actions that, if done, can offer great benefits.

#STIs #greatest #presence #Mexico

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