These are the symptoms of pharyngitis: causes and treatment

by time news

The pharyngitis It appears when the back of the throat (pharynx), between the tonsils and larynx, swells. Its main symptom is a sore throat, although it can also present with others such as fever, headache, muscle and joint pain, rash, and swollen lymph nodes in the neck.

Acute pharyngitis is an infection caused by virus or bacteria. Most sore throats are caused by cold viruses, flu, coxsackie virus, or mononucleosis.

To a lesser extent, it can be caused by bacteria. The most frequent are strep throat They originate from group A streptococci.

Cases of pharyngitis are more typical during the colder months and spread easily among family members and close contacts.

Most sore throats are caused by viruses, so there is no curative treatment as such, only relief measures.

Tips to help improve sore throats

  • Drink soft, hot or cold liquids.

  • Gargle several times a day with lukewarm water and salt.

  • Suck throat candy.

  • Use a humidifier or steam from the shower to soothe a dry and painful throat.

  • Take analgesics.

Sore throats are only treated with antibiotics if the strep test is positive. The doctor cannot diagnose strep throat by symptoms or a physical exam alone.

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