Him testicular cancer According to the Spanish Association against Cancer (AECC). Fortunately it has a high survival rate: it is nothing less than the malignant solid tumor with the highest cure rate. However, it is essential to catch it in time: it is therefore important to pay attention to potential signs to identify it early.
What exactly is kidney cancer?
According to the prestigious Mayo Clinic (United States), testicular cancer is a abnormal cell proliferation (neoplasia) which appears in the testes, the organ of the male reproductive system responsible for the production of gametes (reproductive cells). Although in general terms it is not a common tumor, it is the most frequent one in young men (between 15 and 35 years old).
The first sign is usually the appearance of a lump in the testicles, which can then grow rapidly and spread to other areas of the body (metastasis). Fortunately, it is highly treatableeven when in cases where it becomes metastatic.
The warning signs
Los symptoms that can aid in the identification and diagnosis of testicular cancer include:
- Lump or swelling in one of the testicles.
- Sensation of heaviness in the scrotum.
- Dull pain in the lower abdomen or groin.
- Sudden swelling in the scrotum.
- Pain or discomfort in a testicle or scrotum.
- Enlargement or tenderness of the breast tissue.
- Backache.
Typically, testicular cancer occurs in only one testicletherefore symptoms usually do not appear symmetrically. However, taking into account the spreading tendency, the fact that the signs affect both testicles should not be a reason not to suspect a problem.
Furthermore, many of these signs are also typical of other conditionssuch as hydrocele (buildup of fluid in the thin sac surrounding a testicle) or bone or muscle problems (in lower back pain). For this reason, whenever they appear, it is advisable to consult a specialist.
What are the risk factors and how to prevent them?
Testicular cancer, like other malignancies, It begins with DNA damage (mutation) of one or more cells which causes its division and uncontrolled multiplication. Over time, these cells can break off and spread to other parts of the body, called metastases. Testicular cancer usually spreads to the lymph nodes, lungs, and liver.
There are some factors that may increase the risksuch as being young (between 15 and 45 years old), Caucasian ethnicity, retained testicle (cryptorchidism), or family history.
As we see, these are not modifiable factors, so it is believed that there are no effective preventive measures against testicular cancer. On the contrary, the important thing is to maintain a vigilant attitude, palpating the testicles from time to time; If any abnormality persists over time (about two weeks or more), we should contact the doctor. This way it will be easier to identify it in time and we will improve the probability that the treatment will be effective.
Ultimately, all those people with certain risk factors should do so consult a specialistespecially before the appearance of worrying symptoms.
Spanish Association against Cancer. Kidney cancer. Consulted online at on October 28, 2024.
Mayo Clinic. Testicular cancer. Consulted online at on October 28, 2024.
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