2024-07-07 16:00:00
If the days are getting longer and longer and it has nothing to do with more hours of light in the day (something that happens during the summers in Spain), fatigue can become very heavy. There can be many reasons why we feel low on energy.with excessive activity that has been delayed for a long time, but it can also be due to a lack of vitamins.
This is not very common if we have a varied and balanced diet, which provides all the vitamins and minerals What our bodies need to function properly. However, there are times when the vitamins we get through food and help us feel more energy and we are tired are not enough, which indicates that it is time to change our dietadding products that provide us with the vitamins we need, but which vitamins are they?
Vitamins, what they are and why the body needs them
A variety of fruits and vegetables.
Vitamins are essential for the body to function properly, provide essential nutrients and help prevent disease. The body does not produce them by itself and that is why we have to add them through food, because they are necessary for normal cellular activity, growth and development.
Vitamins can be group into two categories. On the one hand, we see the fat-soluble vitaminswhich is more easily stored in the liver, fatty tissue and muscles, and is vitamin A, D, E and K. On the other hand, there is. water soluble, which is not stored in the body and therefore must be consumed regularly to avoid deficiencies in the body; Here we find vitamin C and all the B group. Vitamin B12 is unique because it can be stored in the liver.
A vitamin that increases energy and reduces fatigue
From the kitchen we can increase the intake of vitamins.
All vitamins are important for feeling good and taking care of our health, but there are some that contribute more directly to providing energy and preventing us from feeling too tired.
This is what happened with them B vitamins. B1, or thiamine, helps cells convert carbohydrates into energy, it is also important for heart function and maintaining healthy neurons; B2, or riboflavin, is important for body growth and red blood cell formation; B3, or niacin, keeps the skin and organs healthy and in high doses, reduces triglycerides.
Vitamin B5, or pantothenic acid, is key to energy production and is involved in the production of hormones and cholesterol; them Vitamin B6 is also known as pyridoxine and helps the formation of red blood cells; B7 or biotin is necessary for the production of proteins and carbohydrates, and for the production of hormones and cholesterol.
Vitamin B9, also known as folic acid, is important during pregnancy, because it helps the development of the fetus, but also reduces tiredness and fatigue. B12 helps in protein synthesis and its deficiency may cause bleeding, which produces great fatigue. A normal amount of red blood cells can prevent fatigue.
Them vitamin C It is another one that should be in mind, because although it is usually associated with a strong immune system, it also helps the body absorb iron, which prevents bleeding and fatigue. Vitamin D It is important when we want to feel great energy, because it improves our mood and reduces fatigue.
It is produced naturally in the skin when exposed to sunlight, but is also found in it fatty fish and egg yolk. Fruits and vegetables are important if we do not want to have essential vitamins to have enough energy to face the day, but if we feel that we need additional help, consultation with a professional will undoubtedly be the best solution.
Vitamins: MedlinePlus medical encyclopedia. (sf). https://medlineplus.gov/spanish/ency/article/002399.htm
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