These body signals tell you that you are deficient in magnesium

by times news cr

2024-04-08 19:27:26

When magnesium is deficient, fatigue, depression, drowsiness, irritability, muscle spasms, weakness, nausea, lack of appetite, tingling in the limbs and impaired concentration appear.

If the lack of this mineral in the body is long-term and significant, the risk of stroke and heart attack increases, the functioning of the nervous system is disturbed, osteoporosis, cardiovascular diseases develop.

According to pharmacists, magnesium deficiency is typical for people with cardiovascular diseases, asthma, diabetes, osteoporosis, or those who are under stress and have psychological problems.

Magnesium is important for both women and men

This mineral improves heart function, dilates blood vessels, ensures proper formation of bone material, supports energy and protein production, and regulates blood sugar levels.

This trace element also lowers blood pressure, relieves asthma attacks and strengthens lung function.

In addition, it is possible to single out not only general, but also individual features of it, which are extremely important for both sexes.

If a woman has the required amount of magnesium in her body, the course of pregnancy is normal, the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) are relieved, for example, pain in the lower abdomen decreases or disappears completely.

It also acts as a natural antidepressant – it calms, reduces depression, increased sensitivity, nervousness, feeling of heaviness and tension in the chest.

Magnesium also helps during menopause: it reduces fatigue, sweating, fluctuations in arterial blood pressure.

In addition, women suffer from hypertension much more often than men, the main symptom of which is increased blood pressure, and the necessary daily dose of magnesium helps to normalize its indicators faster.

Magnesium is also important for men: it promotes potency, increased endurance, physical capacity, helps to relax muscles and get rid of accumulated nervous tension.

When and how to replenish magnesium reserves in the body?

A blood test is recommended to assess magnesium levels in the body.

If the results reveal a deficiency of this trace element, it is recommended to replenish its reserves by taking food supplements in the form of tablets or powder.

However, it is also important to have a proper and balanced diet, including sources of magnesium in the diet: green leafy vegetables, almonds, cashews, avocados, beans, whole grains, bananas, low-fat dairy products and dark chocolate.

The reserves of magnesium in your body should be replenished even when the need for it increases during sports, drinking diuretics, consuming alcohol and coffee in abundance.

Also during diarrhea, a lot of physical work, eating unhealthy, during adolescence, pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Experts name magnesium daily rates, which depend on a certain situation:

In case of deficiency: up to 500 mg for both men and women;

As the need increases: up to 400 mg for both men and women;

During pregnancy and breastfeeding: 350 mg;

Prophylactically, in order to maintain a normal level of magnesium: for men – 420 mg, for women – 320 mg.

Rules to follow when using magnesium

Pharmacists say that several rules should be observed when using magnesium preparations:

– It is important not only to get the necessary daily dose of magnesium depending on the situation, but not to overdo it.

– Taking excessive amounts of magnesium, such as 1-2 grams per day, can cause diarrhea, kidney problems, and high blood pressure.

– Do not take magnesium together with vitamin C preparations or multivitamins containing this vitamin.

– The interaction of these substances is not compatible, therefore, when they are used together, their absorption worsens and a positive effect on the body is created.

2024-04-08 19:27:26

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