These demands should be made not to the USA, but to Russia

by time news

2023-04-20 15:54:10

Gultekin Hajibeyli, member of the Coordination Center of the National Council

Pashinyan comes from the civil society and knows what to do to get a grant and win the sympathy of the West.

He turned a blind eye to the first burning of the Azerbaijani flag in the international sports competition in which he participated, and then the tearing of the flags of Turkey and Azerbaijan. However, when he saw that Azerbaijan withdrew its athletes from the competition, the issue caused an international resonance, moreover, inhumane treatment and torture materials of Azerbaijani prisoners were spread, he quickly appeared in the guise of a peace swallow and repeated his refusal. Undoubtedly, his latest appeal was to regain the favor of an international audience.

Let me say from the beginning that he is not sincere, because if he wanted real peace, he would have ended the matter by saying “Karabakh is an internal matter of Azerbaijan”. Instead, he talks about international guarantees, talks about Karabakh holding equal rights negotiations with Azerbaijan with the participation of international actors with equal status. In which country of the world, the national minority, which makes up 0.5 percent of the population, demanded an international format and guarantees? Were Turks and Armenians, who make up 10 and 7 percent of the population in Georgia, given this status and guarantees? I am not talking about the fact that that national minority together with Armenia and Russia occupied 20 percent of our country for 30 years, turned Karabakh into a graveyard and did not pay a single penny of compensation for it, and that not a single Turk lives in Armenia as a result of ethnic cleansing.

In return, Ilham Aliyev cursed the separatists in an interview with one of the local and even local TV channels in one of our provincial cities. This, without a doubt, was a step calculated for the domestic audience. But again, if we targeted the invaders and separatists in Upper Karabakh instead of planting a flag in Zangezur, thank you for that.

Yesterday, Jeyhun Bayramov expressed Azerbaijan’s conditions in a telephone meeting with Derek Hogan, acting assistant to the US Secretary of State:

  1. All Armenian armed units should be removed from Karabakh.
  2. Karabakh Armenians must accept our proposals in the direction of integration into Azerbaijan, otherwise they will have to leave the country.
  3. The control regime of the Republic of Azerbaijan should be implemented on the road to Lachin, and border crossing and customs control posts should be established.

All three of these conditions are justified and reasonable, and it is the natural right of Azerbaijan to demand them.

But let’s see, who is responsible for the fact that these demands have not been implemented yet?

First of all, you will say “Armenians” and you will be right. Since 1988, it is the Armenians who have brought Hell on earth to the people of Azerbaijan. However, in 2020, the Azerbaijani Army showed its strength and defeated the Armenian Army, and neutralizing the 10,000-18,000 terrorists currently present in Karabakh is a long week’s work in the hands of our Special Forces. But why can’t we do it?

Look at this place, Stranger starts to cry. Because the Azerbaijani authorities missed a golden opportunity to erase this anthrax from our history once and for all in November 2020. Because he handed the keys of Karabakh to Russia with his own hands. And now, the demands voiced by Jeyhun Bayramov are demands that should be put before Russia, not the US Secretary of State. However, when only one of these demands – Azerbaijan’s demand to impose state control over the Lachin corridor – was rejected by Lavrov-Kalantaryan, Jeyhun Bayramov remained silent. And now we want from the United States what we could not ask from Russia.

The main reason why Azerbaijan has fallen into this situation is the infamous and hateful tripartite statement of November 10, 2020. That Declaration, the conditions of which have been repeatedly violated by Armenia and Russia, has no legal force for Azerbaijan, because it is not legitimate, it is against the Constitution of Azerbaijan, and its content contains provisions that limit Azerbaijan’s sovereignty over the Karabakh and Lachin roads.

All wrongs started from there and righting wrongs should start from there. Those who put us in this well are obliged to take us out.

#demands #USA #Russia

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