These healthy alternatives to Ramadan travel

by time news

Today (Tuesday), the Ministry of Health reviewed a number of healthy alternatives to Ramadan travel, which avoid many diseases and gain weight.

She pointed out the need to focus on it and give up foods that may cause health problems because they contain a lot of calories.

healthy rice

She explained that white rice is its alternative to brown, indicating that the first is not bad, but the second contains more fibers and nutrients that make a person feel full for a longer period.

She added that white pasta should be replaced with whole grains, as it helps to feel full and full, which contributes to maintaining a consistent weight during Ramadan.

Apple juice

And she advised choosing apple juice and putting it instead of half the amount of oil required in cake and cake recipes, which will reduce calories without losing flavor or texture, indicating that oil may increase the risk of obesity, atherosclerosis and heart disease.

Cheese and chicken cubes

And she indicated that full-fat cheese is a low-fat alternative, with it being included in recipes to reduce calories and saturated fats that raise cholesterol and lead to the risk of heart disease and stroke.

She added that ready-made chicken cubes are substituted for homemade chicken stock, since ready-made chicken stock contains a large percentage of salt, which increases the risk of high blood pressure and heart attacks, stressing that homemade chicken is made by boiling chicken with spices and keeping the broth.

The danger of salt

MOH confirmed that salt is replaced by fresh or dried herbs and spices, which add flavor to food and help leave sodium, which may lead to high blood pressure, heart and kidney problems, and dehydration of the body.

Fresh drinks

The Ministry of Health indicated that sweetened drinks contain high calories without any nutritional value, and contribute to weight gain, tooth decay and other health problems, and advised replacing fresh juices with them.

It also called for choosing skim or low-fat milk instead of cooking cream for cream-based soup recipes or when baking, to reduce calories and fats that increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Sweets problems

She revealed that it is preferable to replace sweets with dark chocolate, as they contain antioxidants that are beneficial for heart health, and to avoid sweets that are full of sugar and artificial colors, as they cause tooth decay.

She also noted avoiding the use of manufactured sweeteners full of sugar on luqaimat and replacing them with honey while eating small quantities, because they may cause obesity, diabetes, high cholesterol, and cardiovascular disease.

Hydrogenated oils

The Ministry of Health stressed the need to avoid hydrogenated cooking oils, because of their effect on cholesterol levels, and increase the risk of heart attacks and stroke, and to replace them with natural oils, such as olives and avocados.

The importance of authorities

The Ministry stressed the importance of eating salad with fresh colored vegetables and dark lettuce, in order to obtain the various nutrients important for health, and not to overuse high-fat additives, cheese or toast, because they may exceed the daily calorie requirement and lead to weight gain.

And she called for adding protein to the salad to make it a satiating meal, such as beans, grilled chicken breasts, or canned salmon, adding vinegar with vegetable oils to benefit from fat-soluble vitamins, while avoiding sodium-rich dressings, which are often a hidden source of added sugar.

Shopping tips

And the ministry advised when shopping to read the food label to choose useful foods, and to avoid preserved canned food and processed with sugar, sodium and preservatives, in addition to buying whole-grain bread products instead of multi-grain.

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