“These people” by Caroline Cayeux: Elisabeth Borne admits comments that “can echo homophobic visions”

by time news

Clumsy words, but an intact confidence. In an interview with Têtu, Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne once again defends her Minister of Territorial Cohesion Caroline Cayeux, who had described homosexual people as “those people”, a few days after her appointment. But Elisabeth Borne admits, for the first time in this interview: “These clumsy remarks can echo homophobic visions. »

Caroline Cayeux “made unfortunate remarks that she deeply regrets”, repeats Élisabeth Borne. “I spoke to her about it and she told me that she was absolutely sorry for having made comments that may have hurt,” the Prime Minister repeated to Têtu, as she had already said at the time. And to say again: “The line of the President of the Republic, mine and that of the government is very clear: we will advance the rights of LGBT + people and reduce discrimination. »

“Homophobic Views”

Asked in mid-July about her past fights against marriage for all – she then described it as “whim” and “opening of rights disrespectful of nature and senseless” – the former mayor of Beauvais Caroline Cayeux had defended herself , claiming to have “a lot of friends among these people”. For Têtu, Élisabeth Borne continues: “Caroline Cayeux did not intend to insult LGBT + people. Her expression was unhappy and she sincerely regrets it. »

The day after the announcement of the appointment of LGBT + ambassadors, Élisabeth Borne repeated her role in Têtu. “He will have to carry the universal decriminalization of homosexuality and ensure that we reverse the trend on a planetary scale, which is not at all favorable at the present time”, explains the Prime Minister. A fight already started “under the previous five-year term”, she assures, “with the PMA vote for all women, the end of conversion therapy or even the removal of any reference to sexual orientation in donations some blood. “And to support:” Caroline Cayeux shares this intention and will act in this direction. »

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